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NorCascade and next level arrow

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    NorCascade and next level arrow


    Doing some testing the other day, i noticed that someone went to the first level of my drop down NorCascade menu, the second level appeared but they did nothing. There was a 3rd level that was the important one, but alas they do not go there.

    I know I can add a '->' to the menu using Normans TwinHelix Actinic app ( but I wanted to add a image (.gif) so that it matches the arrows elsewhere on my site. Is this possible?



    That arrow is in the field Popout Indicator and is just HTML, e.g. "<b>&gt;</b>". There's nothing to stop you using a graphic there instead, e.g. "<img src=arrow.gif width=20 height=10>". Try it and see.

    Also the field IndPos defines the placement of that indicator relative to the end of the menu entry.

    This, and some other goodies, are is documented in pop_syntax.html which you should have got as part of the twinhelix zipfile.

    Check your server logs after you switch to a graphic indicator as there is a bug in Internet Explorer that may prevent these images being cached if they are loaded via JavaScript. Someone else was mentioning this regarding NorTree recently and I'm not sure if it will still apply when using NorCascade.

    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey



      Returning to this thread of some 7 months ago...

      I have designed a new home page and am having some quirks. one of them is that the arrow that appears in the drop down menu works on all pages apart from the home page, instead, I get the squares (that suggest an image is there but no image).

      I dont understand it as the arrows appear on all other pages, both section and brouchure. Actually, the home page is a brochure page so it is only this singe page that does not show the arrow.

      Any thought appreciated.

      If you want to see what I mean, the site is

      www. (no spaces)




        Put a copy of these graphics into the root of your site.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          Hi Norman

          When you say root, do you mean in the Site 1 folder. If so, it is already there.



            No. You need to manually FTP an extra copy into the home page directory of your web-server.
            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


              Ah, got you. Out of interest, why did it all load apart from the arrows. It is based on a brouchure page and i update as per regular site updates.

              My old home page was designed outside of Actinic and I ftp the whole page. I assumed that since in Actinic it would load the same.

              Fixed now anyway




                Originally posted by Steven Barkess
                Ah, got you. Out of interest, why did it all load apart from the arrows.
                The Brochure Home page is unique in that it loads its HTML into the root of your site. Everything else goes into acatalog. The JavaScript, which is common to every page, looks for the images in the current directory (and doesn't find them in the root unless you manually put them there).

                I think this is mentioned in the ReadMe.
                Norman -
                Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

