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/acatalog, dreamweaver, folder problem

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    /acatalog, dreamweaver, folder problem

    2 related problems.
    Act catalog v7.

    Problem 1:
    I have a site in /. It has pages in the root, imags in /images, javascript in /javascript and so on.
    I'm now using Act cat v7 (bought last week).

    The Actc generated pages will need to refere to the existing css etc folders so I have copied the local (dreamweaver) development site to /Sites so that paths from the /Sites/Site1 files to css etc will be "../css" which should work when the site is uploaded to "/acatalog".

    But links from my existing pages in the root to the shopping pages will be of the form href="Site1/...". That ins't going to work when uploaded to /acatalog. Or does Actinic change the links when uploading?

    Is there a better way of organising this? Is there any way I can control where the pages go e.g. I might want the Actc. generated shopping pages to go into the root.

    Problem 2:
    I work with Dreamweaver. When publishing, I first copy to another folder and strip all the dreamweaver tags, whitespace etc before uploading.
    With the Actinic I can't see how I can base the shopping pages on dreamweaver templates and then remove the template tags when I'm ready to publish.

    When using dreamweaver we MASK the acatalog folder.

    We just have to trust that when both the DW and ACT parts are uploaded they will work.

    I see your www is an Aberdeen shop. If you want to give me a call maybe we can get together and I can help you out. Call the number on our website page
    Owner of a broken heart

