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Problems with template formatting

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    Problems with template formatting

    Hi guys

    Looking for a little help. Perhaps a really simple solution but escapes me.

    Relative newbie when comes to template modification in actinic. I have read the designer and basic pdf files but for some reason I can't seem to solve this little issue.

    What I'm doing is using one of the templates and attempting to modify the layout as such:

    I have a section called crapproduct.

    Under that section I have a few subsections.

    The problem I'm having is that I get a long list of products single column when I do a page preview.

    I edited the section properties and set the "Location and Arrangement of Section list" to override and set it at 3 first column and 3 each subsequent row.

    However thats where the formatting goes all wacky.

    I looked at the Act_Sectionline.html and saw that it creates a single row of data for each item.

    Since each row is a different size it all comes out as 1, 2, 3 all the way down the page which is fine but completely out of alignment.

    I tried playing with the tables but can't seem to get them to line up properly.

    Any help suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    You are on the right lines.

    When I want to tidy up act_sectionline.html I tend to set the cells to a fixed width. and left align and top align within the sells

    and make sure your images do not exceed the width of the fixed width.

    the columns that you mention will set the sections up to be 3 across but not the products. and if you have 2 sections on the last line ....well thats another story!


      Originally posted by pinbrook
      You are on the right lines.

      When I want to tidy up act_sectionline.html I tend to set the cells to a fixed width. and left align and top align within the sells

      and make sure your images do not exceed the width of the fixed width.

      the columns that you mention will set the sections up to be 3 across but not the products. and if you have 2 sections on the last line ....well thats another story!
      Hi Pinbrook,

      Thanks a lot didn't know why I never thought of that..but I played with some settings and they managed to line up. I'm sure I'll have to tweak the settings but I'm sure I can get it set right.

      At least the gf will be happy since I've been obsessing over this for the last 2

      Thanks again

