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Manual uploading anyone?

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    Manual uploading anyone?


    I have been struggling desparately to upload a new site, with Actinic hanging part way through. I have read several posts about FTP problems, and am very keen to know when 6.1.5 is due?

    Also, is it possibe in v6 to manually generate and upload the files using a different FTP client. I have tried the Advanced | Generate Website option, and although this produces a lot of .fils and etc, I cannot see any .html files. I know there is a warning that this feature is no longer supported in v6, but is it possible to do a manual generate and upload at all.

    Thanks, Dan

    Thier are two buttons:

    Generate scripts


    Generate HTML
    Owner of a broken heart


      and am very keen to know when 6.1.5 is due?
      7.0.1 goes on beta tonight (I'm going to post the release notification after doing this thread). After that goes live, we will be working on 6.1.5 - which will include the new 'Enhanced FTP'.

      Otherwise, a stategy for uploading is to mark all the sections as deleted and then upload. Then un-delete one of the sections and upload again. Then un-delete another one and upload again.

      That will probably cause less hassle (believe it or not) than attempting the manual upload.

      Hope that gives you something to go on.


        Hello Dan

        I recently had to have my hard drive replaced, resulting in me having to recreate my site. I had the problem of the upload "hanging", as you described.

        Most untypically for me(!), I quickly identified the problem..... My ZoneAlarm firewall Internet security setting had been set to "high", after being re-installed on my computer. So I set it to "medium", which solved the problem, and allowed a smooth upload. Obviously, it is a good idea to re-set to "high", after uploading. I assume that this problem can occur, whichever firewall one is using.

        I am a relative dunce, when it comes to web-building, and this may be nothing to do with your particular problem - but then again it might. More often than not, we go "around the houses", looking for a complicated answer, only to find it is a simple one!



          Thanks All

          Thanks for the replies

          My solution in this case was to go back to version 3!!! of which we had a spare license. Having realised that one of our clients uses the same server with a secure site, and that they have an old license, I tried version 4 but had the same problems as with 6. However version 3 does not hang.

          I can get away with the functionality of 3 in this case as it's a very simple site, and I've been able to modify all the templates to do the job.

          Chris, we've just bought Developer 7, I think I'm right in thinking that 7.0.1 will have enhanced FTP? If so and the beta tests have started? how long do you reckon until an approved release of 7.0.1?

          Thanks for your help, Dan


            Hi Dan

            It's actually going to be 7.0.2 that includes the enchanced FTP option, not 7.0.1. I think I may have posted incorrectly about this a little while ago. Sorry if I caused any confusion.

            The latest patch for v6 - 6.1.5 - will be out before then, and will also include the enhanced FTP.

