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Network workaround?

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    Network workaround?

    Is it possible to copy ActinicCatalog.mbd across a network so that order can be proccessed to completion, including printing on a second machine.

    Then copy ActinicCatlaog.mbd back to the first machine used for downloading and catalog maintenace, without breaking or corrupting Catalog.

    The reason: A laser printer that only works on a Win 98SE machine that no longer has online capabilties. This is needed for printing to keep costs down as the alternative is an Ink Jet that eats ink.
    Mick Jackson
    Jackson's Fishing Tackle

    If I was you I'd buy another laser printer for the PC that has actinic on it.

    They only cost about £100 now and it's got to be better than spending all this time transferring the database about and potentially breaking it.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Can't you share that printer over a LAN so the usual system can print to it?

      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey



        Tried that, without success.

        Some wayward printer code left in the main machine after an unsuccessful attempt to delete the Laser when it would not work is preventing it being set up as a network printer. keeps looking for the printer that was deleted.

        If I could find this code and delete it then I could possibly network the Laser.

        Being a true Yorkshireman I do not want to follow the previous suggestion posted by 'olderscot' of buying a new printer as there is plenty of useful life left in this machine.

        I am surprised at such a suggestion from someone I assume is a Scot.
        Mick Jackson
        Jackson's Fishing Tackle


          I agree with Mike (olderscot)

          The £100 sent on a new printer will be far cheaper to you in the long run than all the time you will spend copying across PCs.


            If you really have a crippled printer installation and still want a zero cost solution (I too am a Scot) then try this.

            Install pdfFactory (free download from - or on most PC magazine cover disks) on your Actinic system. This will let you print to a PDF file (in a shared folder that the other system can see). Now use the system with the printer to print off those PDF's.

            This is much safer than slinging your main MDB around.

            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


              Sounds good, will give it a try when I get a spare moment.

              I knew there was a solution somewhere that didn't involve throwing money at it.

              Wasn't keen on the MDB idea, just needed some lateral thinking from someone with superior knowledge, to which I bow my head in acknowledgement.

              Forelock well and truly tugged.

              Thanks Norman
              Mick Jackson
              Jackson's Fishing Tackle



                Have followed your suggestion, although I could not find a free download from the pdfFactory link, however, found pdf995 which works a dream.

                I knew there was a simple, low cost solution somewhere, it was just a matter of being pointed in the right direction and 'Free' is as just about as low as you can get and suits me down to the ground.

                Thanks again, you are a star.
                Mick Jackson
                Jackson's Fishing Tackle


                  Reference the suggestion I should put my hand in my pocket and fork out for a cheap Laser printer and not be so 'tight,' though it was not said in so many words.

                  The reason these printers are so cheap, is the same reason Inkjet printers are so cheap, the manufacturers make up on the consumables.

                  I have looked at some of these 'cheap' printers and note that the running costs are around 2p per page at the usual quoted 5% coverage, which we all now is impractical in the real world.

                  My current printer costs 20% of that at 0.4p per page, so I can print 5 pages to these cheaper printers 1 page.

                  Thanks to Norman I am not only printing at this lower cost but still have £100 in my pocket.

                  Many businesses fail because they do not keep an eye on costs, I have been running my business successfully for over 33 years and I attribute this to a keen control over costs.
                  Mick Jackson
                  Jackson's Fishing Tackle

