Is it possible to copy ActinicCatalog.mbd across a network so that order can be proccessed to completion, including printing on a second machine.
Then copy ActinicCatlaog.mbd back to the first machine used for downloading and catalog maintenace, without breaking or corrupting Catalog.
The reason: A laser printer that only works on a Win 98SE machine that no longer has online capabilties. This is needed for printing to keep costs down as the alternative is an Ink Jet that eats ink.
Then copy ActinicCatlaog.mbd back to the first machine used for downloading and catalog maintenace, without breaking or corrupting Catalog.
The reason: A laser printer that only works on a Win 98SE machine that no longer has online capabilties. This is needed for printing to keep costs down as the alternative is an Ink Jet that eats ink.