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    Back To Top

    Is there any way we can have a button or something that will allow you to go back to the top of the page.

    on each page of our site where there are products??





      Hi Hector

      Sorry, the reply I posted earlier was with the idea of V6 in mind.

      However, there is a workaround in V5 as well.
      Go to Advanced | Template Manager. If you are not seeing the buttons, click on Change view.
      Click on the Main tab and then on Primary. This will open Act_Primary.html

      Find : NETQUOTEVAR:FOOTER </td></tr></table>

      Add the following codes after it :

      <table align="center"><td>
      <tr><td><a href="javascript:window.scrollTo(0,0)">
      <img src="top1.gif"></a></td></tr>

      This image should be in your Actinic EcommerceV5\Sites\Site 1 folder by default. If however you wish to use your own image, you can replace top1.gif with your image filename. Please make sure that you have this image file in your Site 1 folder.

      Also depending on where you wish the image to appear, you can change the alignment to "center", "left" or "justify".

      Alternatively, if you do not wish to use an image, remove :<img src="top1.gif"> and type in a text message for e.g., "Back To Top" between
      <a href="javascript:window.scrollTo(0,0)"> and </a>

      Save the file. This will make the Back to top function available on all your shop pages.

      Preview the site. Hope this helps.

      Krithika Chandrasekar


      E-commerce software by SellerDeck


        Originally posted by Hkanaris
        Is there any way we can have a button or something that will allow you to go back to the top of each page of our site where there are products??
        Being one of those "don't use images or JavaScript for basic functions" people I suggest the straight HTML code. In Act_Primary.html, put <a name="top"></a> at the bottom of the template

        In Act_Footer.html place <H3><a href="#top">BACK TO TOP</a></H3> at the top of that template.

        This would work on every store page. If you want the Back To Top only on product pages you place both code snippets on Act_Section.html; <a name="top"></a> topmost and <H3><a href="#top">BACK TO TOP</a></H3> at the bottom. Works like a charm.


