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Info links displaying different text

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    Info links displaying different text

    I am using the curves template within Actinic Business and have set up my information / terms and conditions, but different text is displaying when I view information via the home page and via the link from the products pages. My terms and conditions look the same as the information I view via the products pages. Have I not done this properly?

    Also, why do we have terms and conditions and information, surely I don't need both?

    Forgot to mention the website is if you want to view on line


      Terms and Conditions (within catalog) links to info.html

      Info (brochure pages) links to more_info.html

      I would change the link from the brochure pages to point to acatalog/info.html



        I can find the info (brochure pages) fine and the link is as you say, but I cannot find the terms and conditions within catalog, what am I doing wrong?


          when I view information via the home page
          The 'Information' link on your home page is pointing to a brochure page called 'information', whilst the 'Terms & Conds' link in your store pages is pointing to a page called 'info.html' which Actinic generates based on the contents of 'Business Settings | Terms and Conditions'.

          To make them in-synch I would:

          1) Go to 'Design | Options | Navigation' and change 'Terms and Conds' to read 'Information'. This will change the text of the link in the store navigation bar.

          2) Go to 'Design | Options | Miscellaneous' and change the 'Information Link' options at the bottom to point to 'Brochure' and select your 'Information' page.

          That will make both links point to the same page.

