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TEST mode question

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    TEST mode question

    When we do our 'test' publish of the web site,
    will it also publish all the images to the test directory?

    I ask because the link we use to our ISP is rather slow and it can take 3 hours or more to publish the entire web site (including images)

    Eileen Eby

    3 hours ... Change hosts.

    Mine is instant, they all are arn't they?

    Are you sure in is not that you are looking at a cached version of you site..

    sometimes it is really hard to stop it happening.

    hold down alt and then click the refresh button.

    or try closing down internet explorer an reopening it.


      Hi Eileen,

      When using the TEST mode it seems to create a complete copy of your site in a TEST folder within the original actinic folder. This means that EVERYTHING gets uploaded (inlcluding all your images).

      As for your slow link - are you not on ADSL (I'm sure Peterborough is wired up)?



        I believe Eileen is taking about uploading her site, not viewing it.

        A site with several thousand products and images could well take 2-3 hours to do a complete refresh on ADSL.
        I find time of day is a big factor, so try running your refresh at a quieter time (avoid lunchtime 12-3pm), as this is when UK servers tend to be busiest due to our lunch coinciding with US morning wake ups.



          re: broadband...

          the Deeping exchange is enabled, but the PC with Actinic on it is located outside the 'available' zone.

          I live down below Daventry and cannot get broadband here either, but do have ISDN.

          In the past, I did the first publish of the website, but I am not the site owner, and when Peter in Deeping published his tweaks, it re-published the whole lot.

          .... so.... another question....

          if I do the 'test' publish of the site from my ISDN location, and we are happy with it....

          when Peter goes to do the 'real' publish from his slow connection, will that re-publish all the images?

          I happen to think he has more images in his site directory than are used on the web site, so that may be slowing things down, too. I think a general tidy-up may be a good idea prior to the upgrade.
          Eileen Eby


            Yes, Actinic will upload the images again when a test site is published for real.

            Regarding other images, Actinic will only upload images it thinks are used so any others in the site directory are ignored. (as those of us who have to add images manually to the list of files for upload will know only too well).


            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


