I have done a web site for someone and put the product ref on the site but is there a way to get these to show-up on the printouts once the orders are downloaded.
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Product Ref in downloaded orders
Product Ref in downloaded orders
www.viteyes.co.uk - vitamins for macular degeneration
www.natorigin.co.uk - natural/organic cosmetics and skin care for sensitive skin & eyes
www.butterflies-eyecare.co.uk - eye drops, vitamins and other eye care products
www.prescription-swimming-goggles.co.uk - optical and prescription swimming gogglesTags: None
Product ref on printouts
Hi There,
If you go to View | Business Settings| Options and untick "Auto Generate Product References" You can then Tick the two other check boxes that appear "Hide Product References in Online Catalog" and "Show Product References while Editing Catalog". Upload the site and make a TEST purchase and once the order is downloaded and an Invoice printed, the Invoice and the Packing Lists would have the "Product Code" displayed.
Hope this helps,
Cheers!!Bruce King