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Question re scripts

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    Question re scripts

    We've been having dreadful problems this last week with our hosting company - email down for hours at a time and at the same time the shopping cart in Actinic running very very slowly (taking 5mins plus to get to the final page of checkout).

    Our hosting company say they think there is a rouge customer script running on the site and have asked the following question:

    "Could you please confirm for me exactly how your script operates and if you know if this uses a large amount of resources, also does your script write files to the server whilst it is running?"

    To be perfectly honest I have no idea as to the answer and wonder if anyone else could tell me.


    Kathy Newman

    You might want to send them to the which explains bit for those running servers within the Technical Documents portion, which should help, but if things are getting really slow and they are providing a number of Actinic sites, then they might want to look at there MD5 implementation or allowed processes maybe?


      "Could you please confirm for me exactly how your script operates and if you know if this uses a large amount of resources, also does your script write files to the server whilst it is running?"
      The order script ( does use quote a lot of resources on the server (we recommend 16MB allocated to Perl resources online) and it does write file - the order files (*.ord). With regards to operation, it just takes information from the checkout forms and does calculation/verification on the details. At the end it creates an order file and sends an email to the customer.

