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payment required fields not displayed as required

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    payment required fields not displayed as required

    In the checkout payment page - payment method section - only the 'payment method' field shows itself in the required colour which i set in 'design > colors > required field'.

    I can't seem to get at anything to change this. I would be easier to understand if ALL required fields on the checkout did not show up in the color set for required fields - but it's just these payment fields which are not displaying properly. I've poked around in a lot of code and looked at a lot of dialogs and documentation, but can't see a reason for it.

    The validation throws an error if theese payment fields are not submitted, so actinic knows they are set to required.

    I could cludge it and just put in my own css class in the <td> which contain these offending field labels and see what i can do - but would like to see if i can get to the cause of the problem first.


    Hi Phil

    Can I have your website URL? Also can you specify what field colours you wish to change and how exactly you want the payment details page to appear, so it will be easier for me to try and find a solution?

    Krithika Chandrasekar


    E-commerce software by SellerDeck


      Hi Krithika

      Thanks for the reply. The url is

      I want the fields to show up red. Some of the required fields are doing so as per settings in design > colors > required field.

      I think there are required fields not showing up as requried on the first checkout page too -- the invoice country and shipping country.





        In Design | Text, select the Web Site (cont) tab and then the sub-tab of Invoice Address. Is the check-box under the column 'Required' ticked? If not, please do so, and then repeat the process for the 'Country' field in the sub-tab "Delivery address". These will now appear in red as well.

        As regards the credit card details page, unfortunately it is not possible to modify the font color for the fields, as this page takes on the settings specified for the website as a whole. Any color changes made would reflect on other pages as well.

        Hope this is clear.

        Krithika Chandrasekar


        E-commerce software by SellerDeck


          payment required fields

          Originally posted by Krithika

          In Design | Text, select the Web Site (cont) tab and then the sub-tab of Invoice Address. Is the check-box under the column 'Required' ticked? If not, please do so, and then repeat the process for the 'Country' field in the sub-tab "Delivery address". These will now appear in red as well.

          As regards the credit card details page, unfortunately it is not possible to modify the font color for the fields, as this page takes on the settings specified for the website as a whole. Any color changes made would reflect on other pages as well.

          Hope this is clear.


          My problem is something similar - However, it is throughout the site. I am using Clean Layout 4 with Product on Quantity Page

          Why do some field boxes (not the text) show in yellow and others show in white. There is no consistency. At first, I thought the required fields were showing in yellow, but it is random. Can I change the color of the fields to be one color? Or how does Actinic work this.


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            It is likely they are being shaded by the 'Autofill' feature on your Google toolbar.

