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Umm, where is the test mode?

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    Umm, where is the test mode?

    This is probably a really dumb question, but I cannot see the test mode button anywhere. I checked the help, and it doesn't mention it under "test".

    Can someone put me out of my misery please?

    Go into Web | Switch to Test Mode


      D'oh! I've looked on every tab of every dialog, and I looked on the toolbar, and the one place I didn't see it was on the menu.

      I can't believe I'll not be the only one to miss it though, so adding "test" to the help index would be sensible. In fact, I see there is no section covering what the menus do, so that is probably why it got missed in the help.


        Actually I realise now why it was really hard to find in the help. There is no index at all! I tried searching for "coupon", and realised that there are no keywords.

        FWIW, I have twice now gone into the help and had Actinic die on me - WinXP wants to send an error report (which I do). How to get the error info is on the MS web pages if you aren't registered. But if this is an integrated help component, it may be worth a good look at as it seems dodgy.



          I'll keep an eye out for any other problems with the Help. It is based on an Internet Explorer component so it may be worth making sure you have the latest IE installed.

          With regards to the indxex - although not everything is in the index, you can use the 'Search' to quickly find relevant topics.


            Originally posted by cdicken
            It is based on an Internet Explorer component so it may be worth making sure you have the latest IE installed.
            I have the latest IE automatically updated, so it shouldn't be a problem. And like I say, there is nothing at all in my index.


              I've just checked mine and the index is definitely there. Something very odd is going on with your PC.

              If you want me to check your help file, please zip up the 'ActinicMainHelp,chm' file from your 'Actinic v7' folder and email it to communityadmin [@] I'll take a look.

              Also, could you please let me know exactly what version of XP you have installed (press the Windows key and then 'Break' to see this), and what version of Internet Explorer (Help | About...). Thanks.


                You have mail. It causes an error on closing even when run from outside Actinic, so is obviously some sort of bad format or something.


                  BTW, this was an install done from the web site download, not from the CD.


                    I have tried the file you emailed me on an identical XP setup with no problems. Could I ask you to try opening 'ActSiteUpgrader.chm' within the 'Actinic v7' folder to see if you get the same problem.

                    This will help us to identify whether it is definitely your PC or the Actinic Help File.


                      Help file is fine here
                      Owner of a broken heart


                        Thanks all - it sounds like it is my system. The quickbooks help fails too, but interestingly my own .chm files (generated with the excellent Help and Manual) are fine. I'll investigate further.

                        Does Actinic install any help "helpers"? I found once that the help failed because some app had registered a DLL that was supposed to enhance the help, but broke it for me.

                        I'll report back if I find anything.

