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Cart Vs Brochure Pages

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    Cart Vs Brochure Pages

    I was wondering whether it was possible to link to the shopping cart within the Brochure Pages? and also whether is was possible to use the JavaScript that provides a summary of the shopping cart also in these pages???

    <div align="center"> <span class="actxxsmall"><br><a href="NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBCARTLINK">Shopping Basket</a>:<br>
    <script language="JavaScript">
    document.write("Items&#58;&nbsp;" + getCartItem(3)+"&nbsp;<BR>");
    document.write("Value&#58;&nbsp;" + getCartItem(1));
    </span> </div>

    And what NETQUOTEVAR variables would I need to include within this page to make the above code functional.
    - GARRY

    You wont be able to use the netquotevar's for the cart within the brochure pages, but you can put in the exact call ../cgi-bin/ etc etc that is called into the templates manually to create the links you need.

    With regards to cart content scripts, you need to include the js files in the brochure template... i.e. ensure you have

    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="actiniccore.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="actinicextras.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>

    inside your head tags.... and then put the show card scripts as required where you need it...

    Hope this helps....

