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Overwrite Orders in Snapshot

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    Overwrite Orders in Snapshot

    I've just deployed a snapshot from developer v6 to order manager v6 with the "overwrite all orders in the target installation" un-ticked

    All the previous orders have been lost, can I get them back? what have I done wrong, should the box have been ticked ????? confused...

    any ideas?
    Justin Rowe

    Has anybody else gad the same issue or know where I can find more info on what may be going wrong/what we're doing wrong.
    Justin Rowe


      It sounds like you have done this entirely correct. With the 'Overwrite all orders..' checkbox unticked, the person importing the snapshot will not have the option to overwrite orders. With the box ticked, the customer will have the option to overwrite orders (but this option will be turned off by default).

      I'm at a loss to know how despite the safeguards, all the orders are gone. I'm presuming that you did not take a backup of the Order Manager machine before importing the snapshot into it?


        Thanks for your reply Chris,

        The Order Manager PC had not been backed up. We had paper copies of all the orders so it's not a major disaster as we can still work with those.

        The main issue is how it happened so we can stop it happening again, as we now have a clean "order manager" save a few orders from the weekend would it be worth while doing a clean install of Order Manager, followed by a reimported snapshot?

        We're also experiancing a baffling shipping and over billing problem see
        Justin Rowe


          The main issue is how it happened so we can stop it happening again,
          The absolute best thing to do is export a snapshot from your order manager site before you do anything like importing a snapshot....

          ... that reminds me...

          Check in the 'Actinic Ecommerce v6\SiteBackups' folder. Is there a file in there called ''. If so, that will probably contain the Order Manager database with all the old orders in.

          Sorry - should have remembered that earlier.


            unfortunately during the snapshot import it said it was writing to *.zip and wrote during the process but it wasn't there afterwards.

            From now on I will export before importing, good tip thanks.
            Justin Rowe

