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WorldPay Compatabilty with V7

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    WorldPay Compatabilty with V7

    I spoke to WorldPay last week. I mentioned the Actinic upgrade and was advised that WorldPay and V7 are experiencing problem and not to upgrade at this moment.

    Any truth in this?


    Kewley Consultants Ltd

    Worldpay - Left & Right Hand

    Knowing their team I'd bet you two jelly beans and used bit of gum that if you call again the advice shall be different...

    ...hold on... "ring ring ... errrmmm, hello Worldpay..."

    Well no surprises there then!

    Worldpay have always had issues with the fact that Actinic Software doesn't pass enough detail of the purchase to them, indeed they intended to suspend our account unless we complied only a few months ago. Although we explained their services were pre-integrated into Actinic software products and one would assume such a feature would have been thought out and agreed upon, it was almost curtains.

    My advice, if WP are starting their BS again get a back up MSP installed now like PayPal for example ... run a test transaction on WP via V7 trial version (downloadable) which should be installed on seperate machine or drive, load to new folder on web, go live and "play" with it. View your online WP reporting system for errors and then call for opinion number three...

    Have fun and don't expect much sense from these guys at WP, if you can understand the stong accents...


      Hi Kevin

      At present there is some concern over using WorldPay in Test mode. However, there are no known issues regarding its integration with Actinic V7 in the production mode.

      Krithika Chandrasekar


      E-commerce software by SellerDeck



        Possibly someone at Actinic should ensure Worldpay CS know this...?

        I just called again and explained the scenario very clearly, guess what...

        WP : " sir, no problems with using the new Actinic V7..."
        NVL : " sure, Actinic say there's an issue in test mode...?"
        WP : "...oh, well ... hold on a moment..."
        WP : "...sorry no, we have no information about any problems at all..."

        Since an upgrade could and apparently cause an issue but only in test mode, and as usual WP haven't got a clue... Could you explain the status in detail and whether V6 users with WP as an MSP should upgrade at this time?


          cause an issue but only in test mode
          In test mode, if you go through the checkout process, and then on to the World Pay bounce page, you would get an error message saying something like :

          Secure Payment Page
          Sorry, there was an error in processing this transaction:
          The information sent from the merchant's site is invalid or incomplete.
          Please send the following information to the merchant:
          The transaction cannot be processed due to one or more of the following:

          the installation ID field is blank or contains invalid characters
          a different submission protocol is required. For instance, a more secure
          submission may be required
          the installation number is invalid


          There is a workaround for this wherein you would need to make a minor modification to the file.

          If you need more details, you can contact the Actinic support team.

          Krithika Chandrasekar


          E-commerce software by SellerDeck


            Just an observation

            We managed to set up CC transactions with WorldPay and V7.01 with only minimal help from the WP, (highly efficient), support desk. Essentially, all we had to do was to advise WP that we were using Actinic and within an hour or so we were working in test mode. Since then, we are now live and have experienced no problems.

            Keep on Shopping



