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Missing navigation on Search page

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    Missing navigation on Search page

    Can anyone explain why I lose the navigation buttons on the Search page when I click the Search button from any other page. Is Actinic using a template other than Act_Primary.html?

    Originally posted by EmmTee
    I lose the navigation buttons on the Search page
    Hi Malcolm,

    Can you please explain what navigation button you are talking about? Can I also have your Website URL? (if you have uploaded your site)

    If you are referring the Section links (which appear on the left of your Product page), they are brought in by NETQUOTEVAR:TOPLEVELSECTIONSTOP in your Act_Primary template. You can't have them in Search page, Terms and Conditions and Site Map.

    But, if you want the Section Links to appear on all pages, you can use JavaScript to bring them. More options and details on using JavaScript are available from Page No. 32 of Advanced User Guide V6

    If you are not referring Section link, please get back to me more details

    Suresh Babu G


      Hi Suresh

      Thanks for the reply

      The site I am working on is not uploaded yet so there is nothing to show you

      My Act_Primary template does not contain NETQUOTEVAR:TOPLEVELSECTIONSTOP but uses NETQUOTEVAR:HEADER
      This puts the section links on Site Map, Terms and Condition pages but not Search.

      I think I can get around the problem by using the instructions from the User Guide for inserting individual section links (the site may even look better by doing this)

      Thanks for your help


