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extended info in product pages

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    extended info in product pages


    I'm trying to setup a new site so that when I click "more info" on a product description I get additional info loading inplace of the original product info (either extended info or the contents of another webpage) although I want to keep everything else on the page. ie navigation etc... header etc. A nice example of this cen be seen working here.

    I found lots of similar posts on the forum although I can't get any of them to work allowing me to keep navigation etc.

    Help greatly appreciated


    Hi Ed

    To achieve the effect of, you will have to create sections with one product each so that when customers click on the product, the product description opens up in the same window with the template scheme intact.

    To make the sections appear one below the other, click on Design | Options, and select the Sections tab. Under the heading 'Default Location and Arrangement of Section Lists', select 'Top' and specify the column counts as 1 for both the first and subsequent rows.

    Hope this helps.

    Krithika Chandrasekar


    E-commerce software by SellerDeck


      Hi Krithika

      Thanks for the reply. I have had a go with your suggestion although if I give each product a separate section I'll end up with hundreds of top level or sub sections. As far as I can tell The website appears to use conventional sections containing multiple products per section. Only when you click "more information" links does it do something a bit special. This feature would be very useful to me. Do you think they have just used a heavily modified extended information template?? If so, I could do with it!! Any help would be great.




        Hi Ed

        With Shopatdigital website, it likes Krithika says they use one product per section. So when the client clicks on "More Info" it goes to the one product.

        With regards to the add to cart on the section, they would have used the following knowledgebase article Add to cart anywhere. It is very customised site. This site was created in version 6.

        But with v7 you can use duplicate products. So you can have have a compact product layout with one product, and the more info, is simply a link to other product within its own section.

        Hope this helps

        Kind Regards
        Nadeem Rasool
        SellerDeck Development




          I'm finding this much harder than it should be, or maybe I am stupid? I'm using
          norcascade to navigate the site. So there are around 3 dropdowns in the system. I'm finding if I have a section for every product norcascade will have about 500 products/sections in it!! So I'm thinking when I click the final section I get the list of products in the body of the page showing the contents of that section, what I really need is a list of subsections (I guess made to look like products) in that section and then by clicking on those subsections(look like products) I get to see the actual procuct with more info etc.... But how??? I've messed about with the setting in Design l Options l Sections but I'm not getting the results I need.

          Lets hope I'm missing something simple!

          Please help!

          Alternatively I'm thinking about ripping the guts out of the actprimary template and adding the extended info stuff where the body is and making it the extended info template. The problem with this though is its an admin nightmare. Everytime the site/menu is updated I will have to redo the extended info template.

          heres the url if want check out the site. Its still very rough - work in progress.

          Many Thanks



            I think I've got it

            Thanks for your help, I think I have finally got it. Section override with in the subsections seems to hold the key. All I need to do now is get the cart button on the section page. I'll check out the link you posted.



