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shipping payment

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    shipping payment

    hello, as the produts within my actinic website are images and are going to be emailed i would like to make dlivery free of charge, however if the costome purches several images i would like to give them the option to have them posted on a CD which will be £50.00 for postage and packaging.

    how do i do this? can the actinic software do this?

    at the moment i can use the options in the shipping and handling section to swap "1st class post" and "2nd class post" for "email" and "cd-rom" but if the customer selects "cd-rom" it will charge for each individal image and not just charging for 1 "cd-rom" per order???

    Hi Carl

    if the customer selects "cd-rom" it will charge for each individal image and not just charging for 1 "cd-rom" per order???
    If you have a zone called CD in your shipping band, then a charge of £50.00 will be asigned to very order as shipping charge if the customer selects CD as his mode of shipping.

    I would also suggest that you put up a message somewhere on your site that a customer has the option of selecting shipping modes depending on the quantity of items they are ordering.And also what it would cost if they select the option of CD
    Kiran Chandran
    Technical Support - SellerDeck

    Further help can also be found at

