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    SECTINNAME and SECTIONTEXT not showing

    I'm seeing some very odd behaviour with some of my section templates. If you take a look at this page and view source you could see that above the Akademiks section link there should be a Rocawear section link. However you will also see that although the link is there, the text for the section name and section text are not.

    This is strange as this is the code that is being used for the template...

    <!-- SectionLine HTML begin -->
    <!-- Insert HTML for the beginning of a section title -->
    <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        <td align="center" valign="TOP">
    <span class="hhwbold"><A HREF="NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONLINK"><b>NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONNAME</b></A></span><br>
    <span class="actxsmall">NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONTEXT</span>
    <!-- Insert HTML for the end of a section title -->
    <!-- SectionLine HTML end -->
    Whats weird is that both the SECTIONNAME and SECTIONTEXT nqv's are being replaced but they are replaced by nothing.

    At first I thought it must just be the template I was using but then I realised that the other sections listed there should also be displaying the section name and text. Here is the code for the other sections listed there.

    <!-- SectionLine HTML begin -->
    <!-- Insert HTML for the beginning of a section title -->
    <div align="center">
    <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
        <td align="center" valign="TOP">
          <h2><span class="thumb_productname">NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONNAME</span></h2>
          <span class="thumb_productprice">NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONTEXT</span>
    <!-- Insert HTML for the end of a section title -->
    <!-- SectionLine HTML end -->
    I know there is nothing wrong with this code as if I go one section deeper then the name and text are displayed without problems.

    So... what could be causing the SECTIONNAME and SECTIONTEXT to not be displayed? Is it another bug in Actinic? Seems very odd to me as it only happens at a certain level and the SECTIONLINK and SECTIONIMAGE nqv's work fine.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    <b>Our Actinic Sites:</b>
    Hip Hop Wardrobe: <a href=""></a>
    Sussex Brassware: <a href=""></a>
    Dandelion Designs: <a href=""></a>
    Floaty Lady (WIP): <a href=""></a>

    This is my section layout if it helps. The section I am having problems with text not displaying is the "Men's Brands" section, all sub-sections within this section do not display name or text but sub-sections of these sub-sections do display the text.

    Default Section Link Layout: Standard - with image on left of text
    Top Level Section Link Layout: Act_SectionLineBlank.html

    |-- Men's Brands - Act_SectionLineBlank.html
    | |
    | |-- Rocawear Men - Act_SectionLineText.html
    | | |
    | | |-- Rocawear - Act_SectionDummy.html
    | | |
    | | |-- Rocawear Denim Set - Act_SectionLine_ProductThumbnail.html
    | | |
    | | |-- Rocawear Basic Denim Jean - Act_SectionLine_ProductThumbnail.html
    | | |
    | | |-- ...
    | |
    | |-- Akademiks - Act_SectionLine_ProductThumbnail.html
    | | |
    | | |-- Akademiks - Act_SectionDummy.html
    | | |
    | | |-- Akademik Rescue S/S Shirt - Use Parent
    | | |
    | | |-- Akademiks Lightning Tee - Use Parent
    | | |
    | | ¦-- ...
    | |
    | |-- ...
    <b>Our Actinic Sites:</b>
    Hip Hop Wardrobe: <a href=""></a>
    Sussex Brassware: <a href=""></a>
    Dandelion Designs: <a href=""></a>
    Floaty Lady (WIP): <a href=""></a>


      Hi Kevin

      Try using the same template(Act_SectionLine_ProductThumbnail.html) for both sections and see what happens. Alternatively what you can do is compare both the templates and make changes accordingly
      Kiran Chandran
      Technical Support - SellerDeck

      Further help can also be found at


        If I use that template for both, ie.

        |-- Men's Brands - Act_SectionLineBlank.html
        | |
        | |-- Rocawear Men - Act_SectionLine_ProductThumbnail.html
        | | |
        | | |-- Rocawear - Act_SectionDummy.html
        | | |
        | | |-- Rocawear Denim Set - Act_SectionLine_ProductThumbnail.html
        | | |
        | | |-- Rocawear Basic Denim Jean - Act_SectionLine_ProductThumbnail.html
        | | |
        | | |-- ...
        | |
        | |-- Akademiks - Act_SectionLine_ProductThumbnail.html
        | | |
        | | |-- Akademiks - Act_SectionDummy.html
        | | |
        | | |-- Akademik Rescue S/S Shirt - Use Parent
        | | |
        | | |-- Akademiks Lightning Tee - Use Parent
        | | |
        | | ¦-- ...
        | |
        | |-- ...

        Then all that happens is that the image is shown on the "Men's Brands" section. The SECTIONNAME and SECTIONTEXT are still not shown. I can't use any template other than Act_SectionLineBlank.html for the top level sections as I can't have any sections showing on the base page.

        <b>Our Actinic Sites:</b>
        Hip Hop Wardrobe: <a href=""></a>
        Sussex Brassware: <a href=""></a>
        Dandelion Designs: <a href=""></a>
        Floaty Lady (WIP): <a href=""></a>


          Hi Kevin

          Not sure if it's relevant but there's a lot of references to files on your C:\ drive in that file.

          Might be worth fixing those up in the template that displays the page to ensure that everything is being viewed via the server not your hard drive!


          Jos Medinger

          Tel : 01978 843 962

          Actinic / E-Commerce Hosting, Design & SEO


            Hi Jos,

            Thats code that Actinic outputs automatically when starting/ending templates. There is no way to control that, every Actinic site will be the same.

            <b>Our Actinic Sites:</b>
            Hip Hop Wardrobe: <a href=""></a>
            Sussex Brassware: <a href=""></a>
            Dandelion Designs: <a href=""></a>
            Floaty Lady (WIP): <a href=""></a>


              Hi Kevin

              Please attach Act_SectionLineBlank.html for me to take a look at it
              Kiran Chandran
              Technical Support - SellerDeck

              Further help can also be found at


                Here is Act_SectionLineBlank.html

                <!-- SectionLine HTML begin -->
                <!-- SectionLine HTML end -->
                <b>Our Actinic Sites:</b>
                Hip Hop Wardrobe: <a href=""></a>
                Sussex Brassware: <a href=""></a>
                Dandelion Designs: <a href=""></a>
                Floaty Lady (WIP): <a href=""></a>


                  Hi Kevin

                  Please remove the <!-- and --> tags from the line
                  "<!-- NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONIMAGE NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONTEXT NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONLINK NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONNAME -->". They are used to comment out Html codes and that's why the section name and link are not appearing.
                  Kiran Chandran
                  Technical Support - SellerDeck

                  Further help can also be found at


                    Yes, thats the desired action for that template, as I said I don't want any sections displayed on the index.html page which is why I am using this template.

                    The problem however is not with this template, it's with templates further down the section hierarchy. The templates are fine, it's the fact that actinic is replace the NETQUOTEVARs with nothing for the SECTIONTEXT and SECTIONNAME, in those same templates the SECTIONIMAGE and SECTIONLINK are replaced with the correct information.
                    <b>Our Actinic Sites:</b>
                    Hip Hop Wardrobe: <a href=""></a>
                    Sussex Brassware: <a href=""></a>
                    Dandelion Designs: <a href=""></a>
                    Floaty Lady (WIP): <a href=""></a>


                      Ok, managed to find a workaround for the time-being. To get the SECTIONNAME and SECTIONTEXT nqv's to display I had to set the "Override Default Settings" for the section containing the sub-sections (eg. "Men's Brands"). I then had to set both the First Row Column Count and Subsquent Row Column Count both to 0 (Use Parent).

                      Considering that the options I chose are equivalent to what would would be happening if they weren't set it seems a little odd.

                      <b>Our Actinic Sites:</b>
                      Hip Hop Wardrobe: <a href=""></a>
                      Sussex Brassware: <a href=""></a>
                      Dandelion Designs: <a href=""></a>
                      Floaty Lady (WIP): <a href=""></a>

