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HELP needed ! One product but with diferent costs per size

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    HELP needed ! One product but with diferent costs per size

    Hi my customer wants to sale one product (a picture) but with 3 diferent sizes which I can do no problem but he wants to be able to change a diferent price per size


    Product =(nice picture)

    size one=£10
    size two=£20
    size three =£30

    I have had a play around see here

    but what it should do is add the cost of the sizes together but they show as two items ie the cost of the picture plus the cost of the bigger size

    Can anyone help please?

    Thanks in advance

    Hi there,

    Its showing the prices as two different items, because of the settings you have for that component. Please double-click the component of that product, in the 'Component' tab, untick 'Component as Separate Order Line' and click apply and OK.

    Now, upload your site and it should work fine.

    Suresh Babu G


      Works Great

      Thanks for your help works great now

      Do you think this is the right way to offer this pricing sturkture ?

      or is there another way

      ture it does now add the two prices together but It still shows the picture as one unit and the size as another


        Hi there,

        Originally posted by asylum
        It still shows the picture as one unit and the size as another
        That is how it is intended to work. If it doesn't show the size, we may not know, what size the customer has ordered.

        For example if you have a product like 'Desktop PC' with 4 components, then you would find all the components details as in the attached image.

        Hope this helps.

        Attached Files
        Suresh Babu G

