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Website refreshing...

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    Website refreshing...

    I have had three attempted 'site refreshes all day yesterday but kept getting broken connections, etc. the usual transfer problems. Finally managed this morning to do a complete one at 6.00-9.00am ish.

    The point of this post. I'm not one to add a million things to the wish list as I prefer to leave that sort of thing to my learned friends. BUT. It would be handy to do a refresh without having to upload the images again, which I have a large number of.

    Also I'm using the Smart theme, and have customvars (reading from .txt files)for the two lower boxes at the sides. Every time I adjust the info in the .txt files I have to do a site refresh as it won't complete a site update. I've tried uploading the amended .txt files by Actinic (automatically), using the Add File bit with Actinic, and also manually ftp'ing them to the webspace. All require a site refresh afterwards. Not a problem really but it is when a refresh can take three hours plus, and can be littered with `network connection is broken`. A bit fustrating when there's work to be done that needs Actinic.

    Maybe I should make it `Site of the Quarter`.
    Football Heaven

    For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.

    the transfer issues are suppose to be fixed in V7.0.2 but i have to agree with the up load of the images, it drives me mad. It would be nice to exclude these from the refresh, i did mention this a long time ago on a V6 forum



      Can I second Georges request three times over!
      Whilst we are promised a fix to the upload problems many of us suffer (and well documented they are now!), it does seem an incredible waste of time to upload all images on a Refresh, as we also have quite a large pic library these days. I'd much rather have the option of choosing whether or not I want to spend an additional x hours uploading pics. As George says, any slight tweak to the template and your off on another massive upload, when all you really need/want is to upload the html pages, as the pics themselves are already at the host.



        I think i have used the following method with success......

        FTP to the webspace, remove all the files in acatalog folder except the images, then do an upload.

        or if you've only made a change to a template then delete all the html files only, and upload

