Hi George
Your site does seem a little faster this morning, but it is still quite slow when using the left hand menus and also slow moving in and out of the cart and checkout areas (these use scripts too).
It seem that when Actinic uses scripts it slows down the page loads on your site.
Is there any software that can be installed by the host that can improve this? I only ask because my new host seems much faster than my old hosts when moving in and out of the cart and chechout.
I will go along with George on this, anything to speed up my site would be useful.
Your site does seem a little faster this morning, but it is still quite slow when using the left hand menus and also slow moving in and out of the cart and checkout areas (these use scripts too).
It seem that when Actinic uses scripts it slows down the page loads on your site.
Is there any software that can be installed by the host that can improve this? I only ask because my new host seems much faster than my old hosts when moving in and out of the cart and chechout.

Originally posted by george
I will go along with George on this, anything to speed up my site would be useful.