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Cancelling orders

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    Cancelling orders

    I cancelled an order after marking it shipped and paid, by applying a credit for the same amount as the charge, and un-shipping the product.

    The system still showed a handling charged paid. When I cleared that, it showed shipping charges paid. When I zero'd that the order moved to the processed tab.

    My question is - why doesn't unshipping a product and applying 100% credit automatically completely cancel an order?

    And perhaps the correct question is - what is the correct way to completely cancel an order?


    Hi Allan

    First up, Actinic is a stickler for you dotting all the i's and crossing all the t's and doing it all in the right order.
    So as well as cancelling any lines, you also need to make sure all postage and handling is zero'd (sometimes it does it for you, sometimes it dosen't), and also make sure you have printed off an invoice, or it won't move to completed.

    There appears to be a bug in the way the TOTALS tab functions.
    If you reset shipping and handling to zero, and then go back into the Totals tab later, following a certain sequence (exact sequence escapes me, but its in an earlier post of mine when I reported this problem), shipping resets to what it was before you zero'd it!

    The trick is to not revisit the Totals tab once you have reset postage to zero. Even if you re-open the cancelled order once it has moved across to completed, you can still accidentally reset shipping by revisting the Totals tab, and the order for no goods plus a reset shipping charge moves itself back over to Pending.

    Its annoying, but hopefully they have fixed this in version 7.


