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    I am currently working on a site that I have items that come in several colours and I want people to be able to order x of one colour and x of another colour but the sum quantity is then used in qty price breaks.

    e.g. if a customer orders 2 blue items and 3 red items they will hit the 5 item quantity break. I know this can be achieved by having the colours as attributes of one product but to add them requires two 'add to cart' presses as far as i can see. What i'd like is to have

    Blue: Qty |__|
    Red: Qty |__|


    Then the user enters the quantites they want and adds them to their cart - all going through as attributes to the master product to get the qty discount.

    Is this do-able?
    Actinic User since v.3

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    as an addition to this, I want to be able to sell mixed bags of the items and give the option for the user to give details on a preffered mix. I can't use the 'Other info question' as it's not optional - I'd like something the same as that but optional. Is that do-able?
    Actinic User since v.3

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      With regards to the first point, are you using Business v7? If you are then you can put the product in a 'Product Group' of it's own and then set up a 'Cart Content' discount to give you the discount. Otherwise, it will require the two add to carts as you say.

      With regards to the second point, check out this knowledge base article which tells you how to make the other info field optional.


        Hi Chris,

        Thanks for the reply. I am using v7 Developer so I could set up the product group etc but ideally I wanted to have tiered pricing rather than setting up a discounting scheme. The tiers don't follow a linear discount pattern so it would be difficult to implement. I guess i'll have to re-think what I want to do

        Cheers for the KB article - I'll have to make sure we aren't using the other info prompt elsewhere so that it's not optional but other than that it should be fine.

        Actinic User since v.3

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          Chris...this is exactly what we're trying to do also (tiered pricing). Is there any easy way to do this?


            Hi Steven

            I'm afraid not, what Chris has written is the way to do this. There is no easy way.

            Kind Regards
            Nadeem Rasool
            SellerDeck Development

