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adding another button to my menu

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    adding another button to my menu

    This might seem like an easy one, but the worst thing is i have done it before but cant remember how i did it

    i want to add a catalogue request button that works the same way as the the email button, using the new script. I have the form written the button graphics made i just cant find were to add it

    This is from inside the shop not the home page


    Me too. I would like the form to appear inside a section
    Owner of a broken heart


      Can anyone out there help with this one?




        Could you post the code and explain a bit more where you want to add it? Is it going next to the other nav buttons (or elsewhere in your Act_Primary.html template), or is it going amongst your products?


          Thanks Chris

          i am using the 24/7 theme but have modified it, down the left hand side are the buttons (from within the shop), what i need to do is add another button to this toolbar, i can use the sitemap one and change the gif's and description, but would prefer a new one. However if i do this i need to modify what this button does/points to which is also where i get stuck

          What i have is a custom email form that i use for catalogue requests and have this entered as a product in my shop, this produces a pop up page and the user fills it in clicks send. Ideally i want to use the same sort of method as the email form that is now in V7, but using my page/form?
          I cannot find where these buttons are generated and what template is used.
          i have my own script for my form i just want the same look as the email button.

          Does this make sense???



            Hi Darren

            This does make perfect sense :-)

            The first job is to get a new navigation button added into the sidebar of your store. This is done by editing the overall layout template Act_Primary.html.

            Locate this file and within it, find NETQUOTEVAR:FOOTERGUIDE. Underneath this, add the following code...
            <A HREF="pop-up-code" TARGET="_self" onMouseOver="SwapImage('catalog_img,'catalog2.gif')" onMouseOut="RestoreImage()">
              <img src="catalog1.gif" name="catalog_img" border="0" alt="Order a catalog">
            Assuming that:
            'catalog1.gif' is the name of the normal icon image
            'catalog2.gif' is the name of the highlight icon image
            'catalog_img' is the HTML name for the normal icon image. This can be anything really.
            'pop-up-code' is code that will pop open the catalog request page. You can borrow this from the generated HTML of your current site.

            Hope this helps.


              Thanks Chris

              i have made changes to my Act_primaryleft.html (i use left aligned) and i get a script error, in offline preview the error is ')' expected. I copied the code directly from this thread, has it changed or replace something, the mouse roll over does not work either so i guess they are connected.

              also you said i can borrow the code from the generated html? lost me i have just added a standard HREF location to the page, what does the _self do i used _blank is this incorrect?




                _self shows it in the window, _blank is a new window


                ps does anyone know of a good website that has all the basic commands explaining what the various commands do


                  Found it

                  it is missing ' from theend of the catalog_img ( "SwapImage('catalog_img','cat2.gif')"


