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v7 Status Check

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    v7 Status Check


    My client has expressed an interest in upgrading after reading the features of v.7.

    However, as always, I've warned them off the upgrade (at a financial loss to myself) until I've checked that there are no glaring problems with v.7 that will cause me a maintenance headache.

    Can you please give me a rough idea of an outstanding bugs that hinder the use of v.7 and also a few of the most reported bugs and how they affect the use of Actinic Catalog so that I can make an informed decision on whether to upgrade him now or wait for the next release?

    Chris Owens
    Actinic Support Subscriber
    On behalf of <a href=""></a>

    The majority of major bugs that were found in v7 has been reported and fixed in v7.0.1 which is now what is shipped in the boxes and available for download from Actinic.

    There are some issues being reported with FTP problems which is reported at being planned for 7.0.2, but that will not be for a month or more probably before that patch comes out.

    Hope this help.


      Other than the FTP problem are there any glaring outstanding problems that may hinder my client? Just so you know, there are roughly 5,000 products currently in the catalogue.

      Thanks for the reply Support@Techno.
      Chris Owens
      Actinic Support Subscriber
      On behalf of <a href=""></a>


        I think you will find all of the niggly problems are reported within the v7 part of the community forum


          I was hoping either Actinic Support (or a generous forum member) would be able to give me a list to save me having to wade through post after post.

          Rather than wade through each and every post, I'll ring Actinic I think... my client pays them for support after all... might as well use it.

          Thanks again Support@Techno.

          Chris Owens
          Actinic Support Subscriber
          On behalf of <a href=""></a>

