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Barclays epdq integration

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    Barclays epdq integration

    Have site ready to go live and Barcalys epdq all arranged. Has anyone integrated BMS and Actinic v6? It is not as straightforward as I hoped. Barclays MS must be widely used, so why is there not easy integration built into Actinic? Secure-Hosting epdq is available within Actinic and will interface to BMS, but why should we have another 3rd party and another fee to pay. Is Actinic going to provide BMS epdq integration soon?

    Can any one offer advise on Barclays integration? I have got some of the way but allowed URL, POST URL, return URL are not clear to me and also editing the perl scripts is not straightforward. Any advise most appreciated.


    Hi Dave

    The issue is that ePDQ is not a PSP like Worldpay or Netbanx. Barclays do not host it themselves and they do not provide an interface for Actinic stores. ePDQ is basically just a cash register - it is a program that must be installed on someone's servers before you can link an Actinic store to it. Secure Hosting host an ePDQ system and they have written a set of scripts to interface it with Actinic stores so that is why we recommend them.
    Kiran Chandran
    Technical Support - SellerDeck

    Further help can also be found at


      Im going to be linking EPDQ to a store

      Hi there,

      Im going to be linking EPDQ to a store which is done and is in its final testing period and we are going to be transfering the current EPDQ from the clients current site to the new Actinic version im just a bit worried is there any complications with it as I dont want the client charging me for loss of business for the transfer and for it to be up and running on Actinic.

      Could anyone get back to me on this..

      Thanks in advance


        Secure hosting to EPDQ

        Today i got in touch with and they told me that they are Verisigned could anyone confirm that for me and also if anyone uses there secure hosting to link to the Bank for Credit card payments (EPDQ is the system we are going to be using) as im not sure if i realy want to go with the company as ive also read alot on Protx which sounds better but then Securehosting works out cheaper as of only one off charge rather than charges for payments. I think i got that right im not sure....

        Thanks in advance


          Secure Hosting

          My understanding is that they use 128 bit encryption - whether verisign or not, I am uncertain. (Perhaps that is why I'm 'Clueless')

          They are certified as fully PCI DSS compliant .

          We have used them for some time and apart from a small 'feature' when we installed 'Verified by Visa' 3D Secure we have had no problems.

          Forgot to mention, there is a charge per transaction (I believe that the minimum purchase is a pack of 100 transactions @ 25p) payable in advance.



            That is what we have been told by Barclays and we have been negotiating for some time to get a good rate, we are now waiting until we can get a realistic sales forecast topping £1M, which will give us the best rate.
            Don't negotiate alone. For the best rates join a group like the fsb or bssa.


            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



              If you do a search on the forum all your questions have been answered many times before.

