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V5 templates corrupting V6 cart?

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    V5 templates corrupting V6 cart?

    I've upgraded from V5 to V6 and simply snapshotted the V5 site and imported into V6.

    I'm finding that there are a number of new NETQUOTEVARS in V6 such as FORMBEGIN, FORMEND, COOKIECHECK and so on which don't appear in the V5 templates.

    Having published the site and got the catalog working from a browsing point of view, I'm now finding that the checkout process is not happy and refuses to let me view thecart.

    When clicking 'View Cart', I get the following page listing only


    Can someone tell me which template I ought to be looking at first to see if I can fix this!


    Jos Medinger

    Tel : 01978 843 962
    Actinic / E-Commerce Hosting, Design & SEO

    To get V6 to work properly you must run the upgrader.

    Simply whacking the snapshot into V6 will not work! (Sorry!)

    You will have to go back to v6 and tell it to upgrade your v5 site..the upgrader will then kick in and your templates will be updated in the correct manner.



      I was advised on this very forum by an Actinic member of staff no less that the process I used would work fine...

      I can't upgrade the actual V5 installation I have because I have other sites running from it that need to remain as V5

      This means that I had to install V6 and somehow get my catalog into there - snapshot was the sensible way (otherwise no order history)

      I've compared all the core templates that I believe I changed in V5 (these were really only the Act_Primary, Act_Orderxx and Act_Productxxxx html files) and included the V6 NETQUOTEVARs where necessary but I'm obviously still missing something.

      Can you think of a way around this that I might employ?


      Jos Medinger

      Tel : 01978 843 962
      Actinic / E-Commerce Hosting, Design & SEO


        If you install v6, it goes into a completely separate folder. the installer than asks you which site you want to upgrade, thus upgrading one site and leaving the rest in V5.

        It is worth clarifying that you can run many different versions of catalog on one machine (I have V4 sites, V5 sites and V6 sites on one machine here) but when you apply patches you have to apply the patch to the entire Version. eg apply patch 6.02 to version 6 and all v6 sites are upgraded.

        Hope this helps!


          I was advised on this very forum by an Actinic member of staff no less that the process I used would work fine...

          And this is true. You can import v5 snapshots into v6 and Actinic will import the data and then run the Site Upgrader to upgrade the templates.

          The variables you point out are new variables and they are key to make the software work correctly.

          FORMBEGIN - replaces the old <form name=...> tag that was in the overall layout tempaltes in v5. This needs to be at the top of the 'Bulk' area of your overall layout template (normally Act_Primary.html)

          FORMEND - this replaces the old </form> that was in the overall layout templates for v5. This needs to be underneath your bulk area.

          COOKIECHECK - This goes in the <HEAD></HEAD> area and is replaced by some JavaScript that maintains the cookie.

          With regards to your specific area, the Site Upgrader has not had much luck thus far with upgrading the Add to Cart page because this area has changed so dramatically between versions. You really need to copy in some original v6 templates and then re-apply any changes you made.

          If you are using a theme based on style-sheets then you need to go to 'formats\themes\BusinessCSS' and copy Act_OrderDetail.html and Act_ShoppingCart.html from there into your Site1 folder.

          If you are NOT using a theme based on style-sheets then you need to go to 'formats\themes\Business' and copy Act_OrderDetail.html and Act_ShoppingCart.html from there into your Site1 folder.

          Then update your store.


            Thanks for this reply Chris...I didn't mean to go off on one but the part about running the site upgrader and so on wasn't exactly made clear at the time.

            No matter... I've made the decision to take an export of the products, shipping tables and customer accounts and import them into a clean version of V6 and then update the templates as necessary.

            This will keep all the essential V6 templates in the correct format and I won't have the issues that I'm experiencing now... hopefully!


            Jos Medinger

            Tel : 01978 843 962
            Actinic / E-Commerce Hosting, Design & SEO

