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    URGENT: UPS error

    I am not getting UPS rates on my site -- I get the following email whenever an order is processed:

    There was a failure to connect with the UPS server: Invalid or no content-type specified in the UPS response

    Is this a problem with UPS, or with Actinic communication to UPS?


    Nevermind. The problem is with UPS. They are having database issues. Just my luck -- implement the UPS interface over the weekend, and the first day up and running, UPS has problems.



      Hi Pat

      How do you know that the problem is with UPS? Did you contact them about this issue? I have the very same problem but I can log on to UPS own site to get the rates just not through Actinic, supposedly to that very same database. The error message I get when manually trying to connect to the UPS calculator via Actinic (I'm still using v5 btw) is:

      UPSOnLine5%Missing ServiceLevelCode%6838

      Seems to me the problem could as well be with the Actinic templates not being in tune with recent updates at UPS. Anyone at Actinic having a take on this?



        At the time this happened, I did contact UPS, and their server was down.

        I know longer use the UPS interface in Actinic though. I have my cart setup for the user to add page to the cart, rather than add individual items. The response time was totally unacceptable. Brian (US) told me he thought that the UPS database was hit once for each item on the page, even if it was purchased. That just won't work for me. So I've had to manually build UPS into my store, which aren't always very accurate. But I couldn't live with the response time issues.



          UPS response time

          Pat, have you set your Actinic to "Request Location Information Early" on the business tab? If you do the cart will connect up with UPS for every product a customer puts in their cart. The response time is decent when only connecting at the checkout. And yes, there is only ONE connect to UPS if you only use the calculator at checkout. Proof? Only one error per checkout recorded in the error file.



            I don't think I have - I've been down that path before. However, I can't find where that is set now to check.

            I'm in View, Business Settings. Is that the right spot?



              Yup. Go to the Order tab. There should be a checkbox there under 'Ordering Options On Website'. You may have unchecked it when you did your manual UPS build though.

              If you don't use the "Request Location Information Early" option it shouldn't matter to UPS how many items you add to the cart at one time. It has nothing to do with UPS.



                That box is unchecked, but it is also greyed out.



                  ups path needs to be changed

                  path needs to change from,com to

                  I cannot find the original path to change it. UPS tech called back, and that was his story, I guess a more secure site. Anyway anyone know how to change the original path?

