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Duplication of PSP

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    Duplication of PSP

    In order to surcharge for credit cards and not debit cards I need to create a duplicate PSP file, in my case WorldPay, where the surcharge rule can apply to one payment method but not the other.

    Thing is, once you've already used a PSP from the drop down menu you can't select it again on next row.

    Accepted Cards

    As one file on WorldPay PSP shall be for credit cards and the other debit cards, any way to pass a parameter to PSP telling them which cards we shall accept?

    Idea being one PSP/OCC file our side has a surcharge rule and you can only use a credit card for that method, the other for debit cards with no surcharge but both files targeting the same merchant account.

    The only other solution would be to create a new WorldPay(PSP) in drop down payment method, ask PSP to open shadow account and restrict from their side.

    So anyone a payment method guru?


      I'm no guru, but I wonder if you can create an alternative OCC provider called worldpay2 (or something). Maybe that's what you're thinking anyway.

      I wouldn't worry about securing the payment types so that only the appropriate card type can be used for each method. Customers that have selected to use a credit card have accepted the surcharge and won't know any different. Only a small protion of those that have decided to use a debit card will actually be prepeared to try credit card on the payment screen. (and I'm not sure it's possible to tie it down anyway once you get to the PSP payment screen).


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



        Response from PSP...

        There are few ways with which you cab prevent people paying with certain cards. As you are using Actinic I am not sure which one will be best for you.

        1) You can send an extra parameter for "paymentType" with its value being the card name in which you would like your user to pay. I don't think that can happen in Actinic as Actinic cannot send extra parameters to WorldPay.

        2) You can get our applications team disable the cards on the particular Actinic installation so that through that particular installation the card option is limited but your account can accept more cards. If you would like that option then please email our applications team at and ask them to disable the cards you would like disabled.

        3) You can ask our applications team to disable particular cards from your account this way all the installation on your company will have those cards restrictions. If you would like that option then please email our applications team at and ask them to disable the cards you would like disabled.


          So it's possible...

          Can anyone advise me how to set up a duplicte PSP file as Mike suggests and add the parameter Worldpay request (bonus)?


            When you have selected a PSP in the 'Payment Methods' grid in Actinic, it is then not possible to select the same PSP again in the grid. It therefore looks like you will not be able to set up a Worldpay and a Worldpay2 in the way you require.

            I take it is not possible for Worldpay to surcharge based on card type? I guess not actually as this would then mean Worldpay are charging a different amount to the amount Actinic is, which would cause all kinds of strange things to happen in Actinic when you retrieve the order.

            Sorry but as there is no way to surcharge/discount by card-type in Actinic, there is no way to properly do this. I will add it to the wish list for you.


              Short Term Workaround...

              Have your PSP restrict cards accepted, say accept all credit cards only, reject debit cards and apply surcharge to that payment method in Actinic.

              Use another PSP from drop down list and restrict the "other" cards so you reject credit cards and only accept debit cards ... no surcharge.

              Name each method accordingly, credit cards .... debit cards.

              Will do the trick until next release of Actinic....

