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Adding info(links) to individual variant choices

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    Adding info(links) to individual variant choices

    P1. A PC which can be built up/upgraded via multiple variants - each variant (using radio button format) with several choices

    P2. Each variant name (e.g. monitor) to have an additional info link pop-up

    P3. Each choice (e,g, 17" LCD +£200) in a variant to also have its own
    additional info link pop-up (on the details of that particular monitor)

    I tried the following solution

    S1. Use NETQUOTEVAR:VARIANTLABEL1 NETQUOTEVAR:VARIANTSELECTOR1, ..2, ..3, etc in a new ProductLine template

    S2. Rejig Act_VariantAttributeName.html into a 1-row table with NETQUOTEVAR:ATTRIBUTENAME in left column and the info link in th eright column comprising a small 'info' image + a CUSTOMVAR:INFOLINK

    S3. Was intending to do something similar with Act_Variant_RadioButton.html, BUT suddenly realised that there's no way to allocate a CUSTOMVAR to each choice

    There are other Variant templates of the type ActVariantTableBtnXXXXX.html, for which there seem to be no Actinic documentary example of usage - am I barking up the wrong tree or is there a way of using them for the above

    Currently the only alternative I have is to provide a generailsed info link associated with each Variant attribute and then in that link page either split it into further links (1 for each choice) or put all the choice data on that one page, which is messy and not so easily edited for future updates

    Any ideas?

    Hi Arie,

    You can create separate Info HTML for each variant (e.g. info_999.html, info_666.html etc.) and upload it to your site. Then set all the attributes to use 'radio buttons' and in 'HTML for Name' enter:

    <a href="http://YourWebSite/acatalog/info_999.html" target="_Blank">Select
    Extra Drive:</a>

    Similarly, in the choice details (HTML for Name) enter:

    <a href="http://YourWebSite/acatalog/info_666.html" target="_Blank">DVD
    Drive (+25.00)</a>

    Since you have created a page called info_999.html, etc. and uploaded to your site, the above code should create a link on the attribute name and choice name that would open a new window with the details.

    Hope this helps.

    Suresh Babu G


      thanks suresh

      it's less transparent than being able to do it with CUSTOMVARS, but it'll do

      originally i wanted to link to info via little 'info' images - for tidiness (also more obvious then a built-in link), all aligned to the right hand side, one for each attribute and choice

      is there any way of changing the template of ATTRIBUTE and CHOICE in the Design | Text | HTML so that each one becomes a 1-row 2-column table with the original code in the left column and the link/HTML text in the right column?


        From what you have said there, it sounds like you need to edit your product layout template and do the following:


        2) Insert code similar to the following within your product layout template to lay out your attribute labels separately from your choices...
        <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

