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Pricing for registered customers only!

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    Pricing for registered customers only!

    Hi All!

    I'm hoping this query has already been solved.

    Using V6 Business I want to be able to allow unregistered customers to view the product listings without seeing any pricing and without the need to log-in.

    Only registered customers should be able to view their pre-defined pricing structure via the log-in.

    As it stands at the moment it's either view pricing for all customers or don't see any pricing at all (even if you're registered)

    Actinic technical support's only solution suggests creating a pricing structure for un-registered customers eg. set to £0.00 which is accessed via a generic log-in username and password. The problem with this is that customers would then have to log-in to see which products we actually offer.

    Hope this makes sense.


    What you need to do is untick 'Enabled' against the 'Retail' price schedule for every product in the store.

    That way when non-logged in customers view the store, they will see a message that says:

    Price: This product is only available to registered customers

    This message is editable within Prompt 333 in 'Design | Text'. Click the 'Go to' button to find this.


      Viewing pricing

      Thanks Chris.

      Although I was hoping that I didn't have to uncheck every product. (glad I've only got 200 products to do). Your technical support line were not aware of this.

      Is a master "un-checker" facility in the pipeline?


