Toby, the sub routine in V7 appears different to the KB file you quoted (as below) and there is no META refresh tag.
sub CaccLogout
my $sHTML;
# Get business cookie first
my ($sAccountCookie, $sBaseFile) = ACTINIC::CaccGetCookies();
if ($$::g_pSetupBlob{'HOMEPAGEURL'})
# If the home page URL is relative then add the base page
$sBaseFile = $$::g_pSetupBlob{'HOMEPAGEURL'};
if ($sBaseFile !~ /http(s?):/)
$sBaseFile = $::Session->GetBaseUrl() . $sBaseFile;
# Generate redirect page
my @Response = ACTINIC::BounceToPagePlain(0, undef, undef, $::g_sWebSiteUrl,
$::g_sContentUrl, $::g_pSetupBlob, $sBaseFile, \%::g_InputHash);
if ($Response[0] != $::SUCCESS)
ACTINIC::ReportError($Response[1], ACTINIC::GetPath());
$sHTML = $Response[2];
# Clean up the cookie
# Clear the checkout file
my (%hashBillAddress, %hashShipAddress, %hashShipInfo, %hashTaxInfo,
%hashGeneralInfo, %hashPaymentInfo, %hashLocationInfo);
# Save the session
my @Response = $::Session->UpdateCheckoutInfo(
\%hashBillAddress, \%hashShipAddress, \%hashShipInfo, \%hashTaxInfo,
\%hashGeneralInfo, \%hashPaymentInfo, \%hashLocationInfo);
# Then write the redirect page and exit
CAccPrintPageWithOptionalHighlight($sHTML, undef, $::FALSE);