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Discounts and Affiliates

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    Discounts and Affiliates

    We are just finalising installation of All Affiliate Pro prior to launch and the thought occured . . . what happens if a customer arrives at our site (sent from an affiliate) and then presents a coupon (or is eligible for a discount).

    The situation thus arises where we are paying a commision to the affiliate and giving a discount to the customer [. . . and if it was a 2nd tier affiliate a further commission would also apply]

    Our thoughts are that the sale should attract a lower commission for the affiliate but any ideas or suggestions anyone has would be most welcome.

    Also, I would be pleased to hear if anyone has any ideas how the value of the discount/coupon might be restricted within Business for affiliate sales?

    Mandrake Press Ltd.
    Actinic user since 1998

    The worst thing you can do is try and short change an affiliate. You need their goodwill and should really stick to the agreed payment rate, even if the customer gets a discount.

    The amount the customer pays is what the affiliate software will see (barring any bugs) and that's what the affiliate commission should be paid on.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Hi Mike

      The last thing we are going to do is short-change anyone!

      Whatever system we implement will be clearly set out so that everyone knows in advance how all situations will be handled. There will be no room for misunderstandings or short-changing and no question of not sticking "to the agreed payment rate".

      My point to this forum is that a situation can arise with discounting (whilst running an affiliate program) where the merchant could get hit with a double fee . . . and my concerns regarding how such a situation needs to carefully handled as it could be open to misuse or abuse.

      If you have any practical suggestions they would be most welcome.

      Mandrake Press Ltd.
      Actinic user since 1998

