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Tracking Query

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    Tracking Query


    The other day a strange URL appeared in the visitor stats of my clients' site. Theses particular stats are attached only to the confirmation page, so sould only register a visitor once a sale is completed.

    The stats show the visitor as being my client, but he says that at the times shown no one was in the office to download orders etc.. I have checked the time shown and this is correct.

    The URL's shown in the stats I have pasted below: (I've shortened the URL for clarity, without removing any of the pertinent detail)

    Any comments would be most welcome - does anyone know what the 'outbind' means? Has anyone else seen this in their logs?

    The stats are produced by the '' service.



    Date Time WebPage
    13th July 2004 07:43:38 outbind://7-0000000006C6C3A8F60CD211.....
    No referring link
    13th July 2004 09:20:55 outbind://11-0000000006C6C3A8F60CD2.....
    No referring link
    13th July 2004 09:21:09 outbind://12-0000000006C6C3A8F60...
    No referring link
    13th July 2004 09:23:29 outbind://13-0000000006C6C3A8F60CD211B3B..
    No referring link
    13th July 2004 09:51:30 outbind://19-0000000006C6C3A8F60CD2...
    No referri