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Insert in Sidebar

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    Insert in Sidebar


    3 things, I'd like help on, please :

    1-I'm using Layout 06, and I'd like for one of my section name which appears in the sidebar on the left, to be non clickable ??

    2-Is it possible to insert in the sidebar, a clickable image linked to a brochure page ?

    3-Is it possible to insert in the sidebar, a section name linked to a pdf document ?

    Thank you very much in advance.


    1-I'm using Layout 06, and I'd like for one of my section name which appears in the sidebar on the left, to be non clickable ??
    This is not possible with the standard setup. You could use javascript but it depends on whether your section is the only one in that level (ie we can stop all sections at a particular level from being clickable). Your only other option would be to hard-code all the section links in the sidebar.

    2-Is it possible to insert in the sidebar, a clickable image linked to a brochure page ?
    Open Act_Primary.html (Advanced | Template Manager | Main tab (click 'Change View' if you do not see the tabs) | Primary button) and insert the following where you want it to appear:

    <a href=""><img src="home1.gif"></a>

    (replace '' with your web address and 'brochurepagename.html' with the name of the page you want to link to.

    3-Is it possible to insert in the sidebar, a section name linked to a pdf document ?
    In the same template as above insert:

    <a href="">section name</a>

    (replace '' with your website address and 'path' with the path on the server that the file is stored in (if you add the file into the 'Advanced | Additional Files' list then it will be uploaded when you upload the site into the 'acatalog' folder) and 'filename.pdf' with the name of the file.

    If you want the above to apply to brochure pages as well, you will have to make the changes to Act_BrochurePrimary.html too.

    I hope this helps.


      Thank you very much, that's great.


