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Uploading Large Digital Download Files

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    Uploading Large Digital Download Files


    I am setting up some Digital Download files for my store. Some of them are going to be wav files,its a CD, and it takes up 350MB! thing is i dont have broadband so it will take ages to do on Dial up and i can not get broadband in my area. What i want to know is if i associate a zip file with my wav product with just a text document in it and no wavs so it uploads straight away with my dial up connection and it get assigned a file name in the DD folder , can i then take a note of the name that has been assigned to that zip folder and then create another zip folder with an identical name but with the wav files in it and bring it to a pc that has broadband, can i then just ftp into my DD folder on my host and overwrite the existing zip file with the one with the wavs that i have named the assigned name? I hope this makes sense!


    Hi there,

    We tried out the steps you have given and it works fine for me.
    So go ahead and try it.

    Suresh Babu G



      I also had this same idea, but what leaves me a little lost is when I make some changes and have to upload the site again. Sometimes a site upload is fine but sometimes it says to refresh whole site. This would mean doing the txt thing and having to manually upload the large files again. I am looking to have around 80 cd albums on my site.

      Is there a better way around this?
      Curtain Poles


        Hi Derek,

        When I tried the above steps, I noticed that the DD file we upload are stored under '\acatalog\DD' with a different file name. Also, the encrypted download link provided at the receipt page and order confirmation email is encoded with the original file size.

        For example, I uploaded a file named '' (10 KB) which is stored under '\acatalog\DD' as ''. Although, I manually overwrite the files inside '\acatalog\DD' with another file (1 MB), unless you do an update, (Web | Update Website) the download link
        would still have the references for the old file size.

        Hope this helps.
        Suresh Babu G

