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Banning domains

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    Banning domains

    Is there any facility in Actinic 7 to prohibit purchases using certain domain names? I'm thinking in particular of the likes of which is designed to be used as a throw-away mail system, where there is no tracability etc. I'd like to move to fully automated purchasing, but need to be able to restrict the domains to reduce fraudulent use.

    Hi there.

    Unfortunately not. It may be worth contacting your host to see if they can prevent certain domains/IPs from accessing your server.

    Hope this helps.



      I think you'd need to set up an htaccess file to redirect any visitors from certain domains to a simple HTML page that says "This domain is barred from using our website" or something similar.

      I'm sure a search for "htaccess domain redirect" in your favourite search engine will show you how to do it.


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



        Unfortunately neither of those suggestions will work - after all I could fill in any destination email address from any other domain. The source is not the issue here, it is the destination. It is important to understand how mailinator works. It has legitimate purposes, but it is dangerous for vendors who deliver electronic info. Mailinator works by accepting any email in any name, and putting it in a publically accessible in-box for just a few days before it is deleted. Thus I could enter into the actinic order form "" and any email from the web shop would be accepted, and visible to anyone who knows the name I used. The mail could then be read via the web, with no link between the two.

        This is great for removing spam, but for people like us who process the order and deliver download information by an autoresponder to the email address provided it is a high risk. I guess I can make the autoresponder spot them, but I'd rather not have taken the card details (probably stolen) in the first place.

        I think this should be something for the Actinic wish-list - banned email addresses and IP list.


          There's a topic here about checking email addresses. I'm sure the script could be easily modified to prevent certain email addresses from being allowed.


          First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


