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Re-name Terms & Conditions page?

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    Re-name Terms & Conditions page?

    also the other catalog info pages, eg. Search and Site Map. At the moment they are picking up the words `Football Heaven` from somewhere else, as well as possibly the ActPrimary template, therefore duplicating them in the page name...note, this is different from V6.

    Also need to reduce space between the address lines in the T & C page. The default demo site with V7 has these address lines close together, importing my V6 site has spaces between each line of the address.

    Remove the Actinic link at the bottom of the T&C page. (Or at least alter it so it opens in a new window to the uk site, not the us one!)

    Football Heaven

    For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.

    Hi there,

    Search and Site Map at the moment picking up the words `Football Heaven` from somewhere else, as well as possibly the ActPrimary template, therefore duplicating them in the page name
    I checked your sitemap and search. It's working fine.

    Also need to reduce space between the address lines in the T & C page. The default demo site with V7 has these address lines close together, importing my V6 site has spaces between each line of the address.
    Please edit 'Act_BrochureNavItem.html' and 'Act_NavigationItem.html' for reducing space between the navigation items in Brochure and Primary template.

    Search for
    and replace with
    Remove the Actinic link at the bottom of the T&C page. (Or at least alter it so it opens in a new window to the uk site, not the us one!)
    Please edit 'Act_InfoBody.html' and search for
    and replace with
    <table border="0" cellspacing="0" align="center">
        <td><b><a href="" target="_blank">Powered by Actinic 
          Ecommerce Software Shopping Cart Solutions</a></b></td>
    Save changes and upload site to check the results.

    Hope this helps.

    Suresh Babu G


      Originally posted by SureshB

      I checked your sitemap and search. It's working fine.
      Yes, but the page names(Terms & Conditions, Search & Site Map) repeat themselves. Right click on any of these pages to see what I mean with the title.

      Thanks for the rest, I'll get onto it very soon.
      Football Heaven

      For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.



        Please edit 'Act_BrochureNavItem.html' and 'Act_NavigationItem.html' for reducing space between the navigation items in Brochure and Primary template.


        This reduces the gap between the navigation buttons.

        What I want is the gap between the lines (of our geographical address) on the Terms & Conditions page (renamed info) reduced.

        FH Info Page

        Hope this is clearer...
        Football Heaven

        For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


          Hi George,

          What I want is the gap between the lines (of our geographical address) on the Terms & Conditions page (renamed info) reduced.
          Please go to 'View | Business Settings | Company/Contact' and enter all the information in the respective text boxes (e.g., AddressLine1, AddressLine2, AddressLine3 and AddressLine4, etc) and make sure that you don't leave any blank space in any text boxes.

          Also, check the format in 'View | Business Settings | Terms and Conditions' which should be similar to

          Our Contact details:
          Phone: [PHONE]
          Fax: [FAX]
          Email: [EMAIL]
          [TAX1DESC] [TAX1NR]
          [TAX2DESC] [TAX2NR]

          Hope this helps.

          Suresh Babu G


            Hi George,
            the page names (Terms & Conditions, Search & Site Map) repeat themselves.
            Since you have hard coded the templates to bring the Page Name (refer, it appears twice in Site map, Info and Search.

            To resolve this, please go to 'View | Business Settings | Company/Contact' and delete the 'Company name' and leave a blank space (just to skip the validation error message) and go to 'Terms and Conditions' tab and manually enter the Company Name by replacing [COMPANYNAME] with FootBall Heaven.

            Hope this helps.

            Suresh Babu G


              Wouldn't accept a space so put in FH instead, only thing is, that changes the heading at the top of our invoices,etc.

              Still can't get the address squashed together either. Have deleted what I had, re-inserted it, even uploaded it, still has the spaces between the lines, compared to the hassle of the scripts I'm having, this is not a serious problem.
              Football Heaven

              For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


                I am still unable to do the first and second items on my initial post.
                Football Heaven

                For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


                  also the other catalog info pages, eg. Search and Site Map. At the moment they are picking up the words `Football Heaven` from somewhere else, as well as possibly the ActPrimary template, therefore duplicating them in the page name...note, this is different from V6.
                  It is not possible to rename either of these pages. What it may be possible to do is create two new top-level sections (called whatever you like) one containing a sitemap, and one containing a search tool.

                  To do these, create a new custom overall layout template for each custom page.

                  For the overall layout template for the search page, replace 'NETQUOTEVAR:BULK' with the following code (taken from Act_CatalogBody.html)
                  For the overall layout template for the sitemap page, use a JavaScript section list from the Advanced User Guide in place of NETQUOTEVAR:BULK.
                  Also need to reduce space between the address lines in the T & C page. The default demo site with V7 has these address lines close together, importing my V6 site has spaces between each line of the address.
                  Check that 'Use <BR> For Paragraphs' is selected in 'Design | Options | Miscellaneous'.


                    Sorry if you noticed Chris, but these did not duplicate in V6 with the same references in the Primary templates. Just thought a wee [COMPANY] or something slipped in there...

                    Even though, its only three pages out of the entire website, so I doubt even Google will pay any attention to this.
                    Football Heaven

                    For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.

