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Shoppers need to send images

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    Shoppers need to send images


    Does anyone know if it is possible to have an option for buyers to be able to browse on their computers to send an image with their order for personalizing products they are buying, eg. sending a logo to have on a mug?

    Thanks, Jane
    Jane Davies


    might help


      not what I'm after

      Thanks, some interesting and possibly useful stuff but not what I am looking for. The buyer needs to be able to browse their own computer after making a pruchase in order to send an image with their order. The client I am designing this shop for is wanting to make future changes himself without replacing code.
      Any suggestions?
      Jane Davies


        You would have to write a custom upload script and embed it in one of your templates. You could do this with PHP or similar. The template would be uploaded with the shop.

        Have a look here for some ideas.


          lots of choice

          Thanks, that's a great resource - has anyone had experience of integrating any of these into Actinic?
          Jane Davies


            I am also very interested in this, I run a trophy store online and always have customers calling to find out how to send there logo's, if there is a way to have them upload it with there order, that would be awesome. If anyone has done this or knows how, I am ready to learn (or pay)


              A design client of mine wanted the same thing for customers to upload their CV's when ordering. I used CSMailto as it will send the form results and include the file as an email attachment:


              Hope this helps.

              All the best
              Shaun Hague
              dtop Web Design


                The concept of being able to capture a single file for a product purchase seems realitively simple. The simple way to do this is use a php script which is customer activated from the final receipt page. Instructions and a link would be provided in the receipt. The customer would launch the script from a link in the receipt and it would enable them to upload a file.

                Some things to think about: There are several nice to haves that complicate the script whne using in Actinic:
                The ability to create a folder using the order number of the order for the upload images to be stored in.
                The ability to capture more then one file for upload.
                The ability to upload files using a product reference number / order number so that the upload files correspond correctly to the multiple products purchased in an order.

                A real tricky nice to have is the ability to upload the product image for a particular product from the product page or within the purchasing process of that product. We tried to implement a perl modifcation to handle this method and it because too problematic to upgrade actinic sub versions, so we abandon this method.

                We will knock together a php script to complete this process for a single product image from teh receipt page. I will post a sample when the modifications are complete.


                Brian Johnson
                :::Sure Solutions Inc:::Professional Actinic templates from
                1-732-528-7635 x203

