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CGIWrap Error: Execution of this script not permitted

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    CGIWrap Error: Execution of this script not permitted

    Just activated ssl for checkout but when you now go to cheackout you get this error

    CGIWrap Error: Execution of this script not permitted

    Execution of (cgi-bin/ is not permitted for the following reason:

    Script is not executable. Issue 'chmod 755 filename'

    Can someone please help me

    some how your scripts do not have the correct permission

    you need to use an ftp program to access you cgi-bin and change the permissions to 755

    if you are on a windows server i think its a bit different so someone else would need to give you some input




      How do i do that


        you need a bit of software like ws_ftp to access your server, if you search for ftp software you should be able to find one with a free trial that will get you through this but its worth registering WS_FTP home is aroun £30 to register with a free 30 day trial

        when you have it, connect to you server using you ftp settings which should be the same as actinic, find you cgi-bin then normally right click on it a select chmod you will normally get a box with "owner" "group" "other" and you need to put a tick the boxes for read write and execute.

        someone else here should be able to tell you exactly which one should have which permission, i have found that if i change it my shop does not work so i tick them all click ok then shut down my ftp software. then i do an upload with actinic and it corrects the permissions back to what they should be.

        before YOU TRY this have you done a site refresh as this nearly all ways fixes the errors you have



          try to refreash site and it is now stalling at, i now can not even upload to the site.


            This does sometime happen when network traffic is high, there are a few problems with ftp but these tend to be in V6 up to V6.1.4 & V7.0.2

            unfortunately you may have to keep trying or wait until the intenett is a bit quieter the mornings are good around 6am to 9am

            as you have not got a ftp program it does not help much but you would be better off deleting all the files in you cgi-bin then doing a complete site refresh



              Changed the permission and it is now coming up with the following:

              A General Script Error Occurred

              Error: Error opening configuration file ../web/cgi-bin/acatalog/ No such file or directory
              Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner.

              I have refreashed the site and uploaded it and it still has this error.


                I think we are going to need a bit of help from actinic with this one, it appears that it is looking in you cgi-bin for you catalog files?

                may i suggest you post you settings here so we can have a look, you can export these to you desk top then opening it and copy & paste into you reply, remember to **** out your password

                to do this go into advanced|network setup then export settings



                  i dont feel it is safe to post my setting is there any other way


                    I understand you reluctance thats why i said to remove you password, you can also remove your user name and change the url to mydomain if you like all we are looking for is the paths



                      Are you using shared SSL?

                      if so then you should not have SSL fields?

                      you need to change you settings under business settings, payment and security, take the tick out of the SSL box and then go into configure method and tick shared ssl and a list of providers will come up.

                      It is a long time since i used V5 but it think it is basically the same



                        no i done that before and it didnt work this is the way my isp told me to do it.


                          I think you will need to contact actinic about this, as i believe this is probably the problem

                          did you try setting it up the other way? im sure there is the option for unlisted providers, you can export you settings and then change them in network set up if it does not work simply reimport them.

                          but you need to use shared SSL to get the correct paths

                          anyone else have any comments on this?


