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Help With Moving Products

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    Help With Moving Products

    Does anyone knows hwo to solve this problem. Whereby, i can move my "product detail" (green box) to the respective "section" (3301 1,3301 2 etc). It would be difficult for me to explain it over here. Please look at the illustrations from the 2 attachements. THank you.

    Attached Files

    Someone please help..


      Are there no solutions to my questionS? Would someone please help..



        OK - I think I get what you want to do. You want to structure a page so it is laid out like

        Product 1
        Section Link
        Section Link
        Section Link
        Section Link
        Product 2
        Section Link
        Section Link
        Section Link
        Section Link

        Is that right?

        This is not possible really in Actinic as Actinic lays out all the sections in one chunk, and then lays out all the products in another chunk. You can see this in the template Act_ProductBody.html - NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONLISTTOP will bring in the list of all the sections, and then NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTBULK will bring in the products underneath that.

        Nice try though.


          Yaayaa! Thanks Chris =X so There's no way i can use

          Instruction 1
          Product 1 ( links = products)
          Product 2
          Product 3
          Product 4

          Instruction 2
          Product 5
          Product 6
          Product 7
          Product 8

          but actually, the product (product 1, product2) are merely text! i did not use it as an image, do you think i have another way to do it. Which mean Product 1 is actually an " instructions" for the link 1- 4 while proudct 2 r instructions for link 5- 6. In which, it will display my instruction above follow by products and again, instruction, goes on and on.. is there any way out? Thank you.


            Hey CHris..Thanks. Its solved. But may i ask you another question, do you know where to align this one? Cos only that particular page looks like that. (got to look at the attachment)
            Attached Files


              Sorry - what do you mean by
              do you know where to align this one?
              That screengrab looks pretty good to me.

              The templates that lay out product pages are:

              Act_ProductBody.html - for the general layout of the product page - see this knowledge base article
              Act_ProductLine.html (or equivalent product layout template) - for laying out the actual products. A list of the variables in this template can be found in the 'Index' of the Help in Actinic. Look up Act_ProductLine.html in the index.


                Hey Chris..

                Maybe the pic wasn't good to tell. But the pic was right on the centre and those words were push to the extreme right. Its definitley out of place. As i compare it with the rest which is similar. Must it be "Use parents" or " Text on the right of Image"..U think i need to change those? cos most of them, i check it "use parents". Does it affect? if you still dnt understnad. perhaps, i would upload the 'bad alignment one" and show it to u?

                yours, Swee


                  OK - so you want to close the gap between the image and the text?

                  Go into the product in Actinic and look at the 'Product Layout' field (in the 'General' tab).

                  Is there an entry in there for 'Large image on the left'? If so, try using the 'Large image on the left' template for this product.



                    i have changed that before but there was no difference too. look at this,

                    Currently in Section link..
                    (In Layout Tab)
                    Overall Layout: use parent
                    Section Link Layout: Use parent

                    (In product Tab)
                    Default layout: Use Parent
                    page layout: Use parent

                    Currently in product Detail link..
                    (in General Tab)
                    Product layout: use Parent

                    Which layout to use? I've just uploaded my site, ( this product page is affected. The rest are okie, take a look if you can. thanks Chris.



                      Unfortunately, nothing I ever suggest seems to work. It is very frustrating for both of us. I actually need to see your site for myself in order to work out what you are doing.

                      Can I ask you to:

                      1) Go to 'File | Snapshot | Export Site'.

                      2) Follow the instructions to create a snapshot (*.acd) file on your PC.

                      3) Upload the snapshot to a server that I can download it from. Please speak to your web host for details about how to manually upload (FTP) a file to your web server.

                      4) Drop an email to communityadmin [@] when it is ready to download.

                      I will take a look and answer all your questions in one go.


                        I was trying to minimise the #of page. Thus, i create hyperlinks to those products(less bolded are hyperlinks)which looks like that ( however, this does not reduce the #of page as i have not deleted the additional html pages yet.(click on Plain, fancy etc..these are the additional pages)

                        And i cant delete the additional html pages since the hyperlink will need those to direct it to those pages (additional page) so where can i store those pages?So that the result would be i can view it through the hyperlink and not from the additional html pages (plain, fancy..etc)?



                          Please re-post this as a new question as it is unrelated to this thread.


                            Hi all,

                            i hve a problem with the position of my product detail..please read the following:

                            Open this 2 windows 1st:

                            Look at Scabal (1st one), can anyone get this back the right position like Hield (2nd one). It is strange that, if i do not add "section" in the catalogue tree, the alignment of the Scabal is correct. If i add it, it will go out of position. Does anyone knows which layout should i be choosing? For now, i chose "Description only, useful for inserting messages".


                              Your problem is the template you are using for the messages e.g.
                              1170s Series (Click to order sample card)

                              Stripes, glorious stripes! Six fabulous pinstripes collection. The medium weight collection has a smooth and luxurious handle, promising you undescribable comfort throughout the year. This range features the coolest electric blue on navy; lake blue and silver on a steel grey, etc. Aahh.. Colors to die for! A fashion wardrobe's must-have designs! Grab them now! The picture above shows the recent opening of an exclusive Scabal Store in Baku, Azerbaijan.
                              The messages are structured like this

                                <td valign="TOP" align="LEFT" colspan="2"> 
                                ... text goes here ...
                                <td align="LEFT" colspan="2">
                              You need to change colspan="2" to colspan="3" in the template you are using for these messages.

