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Cannot upload site to Fasthost Server

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    Cannot upload site to Fasthost Server

    We are having a nightmare.

    3rd day now that Actinic says that the Acatalog directory is "locked" or is over disk quota. Fasthosts say they are working on it...and we are left emailing our customers apologies again.

    I guess we should have listened to the advice we were given.

    Anyone have any suggestions. Because our site is a music site we now have over 2 gigs of music files uploaded - and are waiting to upload a whole lot more.


    Error message we get when we test the network settings is:

    The "acatalog" directory exists but is locked due to the directory's permissions. Actinic can not work with these settings. Press Cancel if you would like to manually change the permissions and re-run the test. Press Retry if you would like Actinic to attempt to change the permissions and rerun the test.

    When we try and upload - it just says the server was reset.

    If you have the permissions, then can you not login to it via FTP and chmod the folder yourself to the correct permissions at the very least, or is it that the server you are on is saying or reporting that you have used too much storage space when infact you have not, in which case then only fasthosts and no amount of chmod'ing will solve it I am afraid...


      Yea - I've checked the permissions and tried chmoding again with putty and via FTP.

      Well it seems to me that it's a space issue - but you just get the usual "it's gone to line 3 engineers etc". We have 5 gigs of space with them - currently using about 2 gigs.




        even 2Gb is a huge amount to try and transfer never mind 5Gb. I would not be suprised if you have triggered an alarm at Fasthosts that has some kind of block on your IP address thinking you are spamming, trying a DoS attack or something like that.

        E-mail me off the list with FTP details and I will have a look for you
        Owner of a broken heart

