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adding code to body??

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    adding code to body??

    hi there.
    i am trying to use some web statistic software so i can track peoples movements within my website.
    i have to copy and paste some html script into the body of actinic on as many pages that are of interest to me.
    can anyone tell me where do i access the html code to do this.
    i've looked onthe template manager but that doesn't look right
    thanks in advance

    The primary templates are the ones that are used for all pages of your web site.

    Just put the code in the primary templates you use.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Hi there

      You access the html templates for the site by going to Advanced | Template Manager.

      Depending on where you want the html for this software to be located on your site will determine what template you use...

      If you want it appearing on every page throughout the site, the template to use would be act_primary.html.

      Alternatively, you can embed the html with the description/full description fields of certain sections or products if you want to be more specific where it appears... e.g if you just want it appearing on a certain section page. To embed the html, put !!< and >!! around the html you already have.


        thanks one and all

