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Modifying Froogle output to give extra info

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    Modifying Froogle output to give extra info

    Am currently modifying the froogle feed generated to produce feeds for pangora and edirectory. Pangora is fine, however edirectory really could do with have stock levels in. What i want to know is, how is the froogle feed generated by actinic and is there any way to modify this to include information such as stock levels? I am not particularly bothered if it makes it not work for froogle since it is not used currently, but it's fairly important that we get stock levels sorted. Alternatively, would there be any way to get the information out by directly querying the database and merging it to the csv file? Am sure could work out the sql command given time but if someone already has a procedure for this would make life a lot simpler.

    are you uk based

    I was told last week by google that froogle was not yet available to UK based companies.
    I have no signature


      yup, sounds about right, hence us having no need for the froogle feed to act as a froogle feed, it's just a feed to modify into a feed for pangora and edirectory.

      and it's times like these i really wish everyone would agree on at most 2 standards for data feeds and stick to them, would make life so much simpler!


        Just wondered if you'd managed to do this. I'm about to start working on using Froogle feed for Pangora (hadn't thought about using it for edirectory - will do now!!) and thought I'd ask before I tried to reinvent the wheel as it where.

        Re froogle when I look at the export I don't see any prices - is this correct?


        Kathy Newman


          Hi, With regards to Froogle, it is going to launch in the UK shortly according to Google. (definitions of shortly greatly recieved )
          I am also interested in how many changes are required to the Froogle Feed to make it suitable for Pangora.

          Thanks in advance

 - Quality, affordable baby clothes specially created for premature and low birthweight babies.
          Early Baby Premature Baby Clothes
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          Quality, affordable baby clothes specially created for premature and low birthweight babies.


            Last I heard it was still "some time off" so shortly sounds better!!

            Kathy Newman


              Is anyone using Pangora with success?

              What is their fee structure?


                We have some success with Pangora - I think we'd have more if we could find a good and reliable way of feeding them the data in the format they need - we had a gentle reminder from them the other day saying some of our links and pictures were out of date - we hadn't sent them a feed since February!!

                Not sure how they work out their fee - ours is currently 20p per click through - but I know you can put a cap on monthly spend.

                Kathy Newman


                  Google emailed registered UK merchants a few weeks ago asking for froogle feeds to be uploaded to the UK beta site. I suspect they'll be trying to get it live at least a few weeks before Christmas. The Actinic Froogle Export: Froogle FTP Upload process certainly seems to work very smoothly.


                  Originally posted by Earlybaby
                  Hi, With regards to Froogle, it is going to launch in the UK shortly according to Google. (definitions of shortly greatly recieved )
                  I am also interested in how many changes are required to the Froogle Feed to make it suitable for Pangora.

                  Thanks in advance

         - Quality, affordable baby clothes specially created for premature and low birthweight babies.

                  Smarta Marketing Firm of the Year 2011

                  tutor2u on Facebook

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                    We did have to make a couple of changes to our Froogle Feed after upload, the errors were with elements that were no longer supported by Froogle.

                    We are currently working with Pangora, but need to sort out the feed format, hence asking if there are many changes required to the output for Froogle to meet the needs of Pangora?

                    Quality, affordable baby clothes specially created for premature and low birthweight babies.
                    Early Baby Premature Baby Clothes
                    <A HREF=""><A>
                    Quality, affordable baby clothes specially created for premature and low birthweight babies.



                      We've used Pangora for 6 months, the conversion rate is only 10% of adwords, espotting or overture.

                      We will not be renewing

                      Mike Julien




                        That's interesting Mike - are you on a renewable contract with them? We just paid a small set up fee and are now on a pay per click.

                        Can I ask how you feed data to Pangora - we're still looking for a sensible way of doing it without spending hours manipulating the data.

                        Kathy Newman


                          Pangora Data feed

                          I'm afraid I cannot go into details as I didn't do it.
                          We had a Computer Science Student in for the summer who exported the Froogle feed to an excel spreadsheet. He devised a macro to sort the data into the columns required by Pangora and add the to the deep linking URL.
                          The spreadsheet was then uploaded to the acatalog directory and Pangora accessed it from there to update each day.
                          Unfortunately Dan has now left us and my knowledge of macros is very rusty so although I know the principles, I do not know the details.

                          Mike Julien



                            Thanks Mike - have managed to get froogle into the right order and at the moment doing some manual changes for deep link - but will look at automating when I know more what I'm doing!

                            Kathy Newman


                              i have been playing with kelkoo and this is another one that has things a bit different.

                              I also have to spend ages messing around with the titles and pricing, kelkoo want the price including VAT and the froogle feed gives it without


