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Rollover Buttons

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    Rollover Buttons

    Have just upgraded to V7 of developer. I only had 1 active site to upgrade and the site upgrader only found 2 small problems with my templates.

    The trouble is, every section and product I click on brings up an Internet Explorer Script Error:

    Line: 79
    Char: 1
    Error: Object Expected
    Code: 0
    URL: file://C:\Program Files\Actinic Ecommerce v7\Sites\Skyline Promotions\PreviewHTML\P_Index.html

    Do you want to continue running scripts on this page?

    It also brings up this error whenever you roll over any of the buttons too.

    I havent uploaded the site since I upgraded to V7, but it is still a week from going live.

    Anyone got any ideas?


    B&M Design & Advertising Ltd

    Hi Charles,

    Can you please go to Design | Options | Layouts and click the Edit button for Default Overall Layout. Search for:

    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="../../Formats/Themes/ACTBKPSkyline%20Promotions/actiniccore.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="../../Formats/Themes/ACTBKPSkyline%20Promotions/actinicextras.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>

    And change it to:

    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="actiniccore.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="actinicextras.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>

    Save and close the template.

    Back in Layouts click the Edit button for Front Page Layout. Repeat the above. Click File | Save As and call it Act_Primary_upless.html (notice *.html).
    This is because having the template as *.htm will display:

    The section level can be accessed through: --> the top of the page.

    Close the template and restart the software.

    Does this help?

    Toby Blanchard


      You might find that the problem is also caused by the javascript that runs the shopping cart summary.

      To fix it, Just change <script language="JavaScript"> to <script language="text/JavaScript">.


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



        Have done both of these fixes and it seems to have done the trick. Had to retstart Actinic to get it to work though.

        Thanks Toby and Mike, very much appreciated.


        B&M Design & Advertising Ltd


          Can someone explain what this error is all about. I haven't experienced it yet within catalog, but coincidently had the error on another website yesterday. I was adding css rollovers at the time


            I can't comment on Toby's fix, but mine is because if you specify <script language="JavaScript"> then anything that isn't javascript, such as text to display or html, will throw up an object error. Specifying <script language="text/JavaScript"> allows you to have non-javascript text within the script area and is what's needed here.


            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



              That makes sense! the site in question was the first re-visit in 5 years!! I cleared up the error by tidying up the code, but didn't know which bit of tidying had cured the problem

