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New York Counties Tax bands

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    New York Counties Tax bands


    I was wondering if any one could help me with a query. I've been asked by a client to add a funtion to her her online shop that i'm not sure is really possible.

    The basic principal is that anyone who lives in New York and who is buying a product from a company based in New York has to pay sales tax.

    At the moment we have a standard % tax which is added to the shop when the user includes New York from the list of states. However, the complicated part is that depending on where you live in New York, the % tax you pay should change. See this URL and try and buy something.

    Please help as I fear i've just fallen beyond my depth!


    Actinic software allows a merchant to create locations and sub -locations.
    In this case you will need to create a sublocation for each tax zone within New York.
    You can create sub locations here (advanced | locations)

    Then you will need to configure a tax band for the locations. ( Veiw | Business settings | Tax tab)

    Add a location and the tax value for each location / sub location as required.

    This method will add all the sublocations to teh drop down menue (state) when checking out. Its not very elegant and in fact I think its confusing but it does work.

    I have many cleints in NY and I am familiar with your issue. I recomend a more logical approach to the issue. According to the New York state tax authority you can collect the maximum value state tax 8.25 % on all orders processed in NY state and shipped to an address in NY state. Provided you pay the full tax value into the tax authority (8.25%) then you have meet your responsibility for the tax authority and you will have no liability as a merchant. This seems to work for little companies like Amazon and so I think it will be more then acceptable for your customer. Every customer I have worked with has opted for this more logical approach.

    So You now have a logical and technical fix to your issue.


    Brian Johnson
    Brian Johnson
    :::Sure Solutions Inc:::Professional Actinic templates from
    1-732-528-7635 x203


      Thank you.

      Excellent, thanh you Brian, really appreciate you posting a reply, you've helped me out tremendously.

