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Anchor Tags and Home Page Style

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    Anchor Tags and Home Page Style

    I've finally resolved my navigation problems for logged in customers using (use 'DavidGeran' and 'Rhiannon' to log in) - basically every link needs to go through the CGI function to maintain state. Got that sussed.

    Encountered a couple of issues though.

    a) Anchor tags, i.e. <a href="#top">back to top</a> causes the site to lose the logged in details and defaults back to the acatalog/index.html page.

    b) The brochure pages lose their style and images - the images I've had to use a <base> tag to fix, and a copy of the Stylesheet in the CGI bin folder has resolved the styles for all brochure pages but not the Home page (because this is one a different folder level).

    c) Clicking on a search result link automatically logs the user in to the first account available.

    Any help on these final issues appreciated.

    If you have access to the file system on your server (assuming you're not hosting it on a windows box), you could fix the paths problem with a symbolic link. Look at whatever bogus folder path Business thinks the images/css ought to live in, and create that folder as a symbolic link to the /acatalog folder. Saves you having the same files in two places.

    The same thing might work using a shortcut on a Windows server, I don't know.

    Sorry, can't help with the bookmark-style link problem. All I can offer is sympathy!


      Cheers Kevin, sympathy is good at this stage

      I'm beginning to wonder if this software can actually do what is says on the tin.

      I might be able to bodge a fix by putting copies of the stylesheet and javascript files into the CGI bin, and a cgi-bin/acatalog/ folder, but its not pretty and its definitely not clever.


        Yeah. I was seriously pulling my hair out on the one occasion that I had to implement Business with user accounts. I haven't seen the v7 implementation (seen the nice fur coat but not got into its knickers yet) so maybe it's fixed, but certainly v4 wasn't- and v6 isn't nearly as clever as it thinks it is. They fall over seemingly by default.

        Setting up /cgi-bin/acatalog/ as a symbolic link/shortcut to /acatalog definitely helped me out, though. Get your host to do it for you if you don't have access or you're not happy poking around in the shell.


          What is it I've coded wrong that means I have to put css and js into the cgi-bin directory after a user has logged in?


            It sounds to me like you might have the wrong 'path to catalog from cgi-bin directory' in network setup.

            Do your search pages look OK without the duplicate CSS and javascript files?


            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling




              Yes the search page results look fine when removing the duplicate includes. I wouldn't be surprised if its a set-up issue, how can I check? The Network Settings all seem to point to the correct folders and its Tests ok?


                Maybe if you're using a relative path (i.e. "../acatalog"), you might fix it by using an absolute one. Try logging in via FTP as the same user Actinic is using, note the full path (from however deep that user is allowed into the filesystem) to the acatalog folder and use that instead, starting with a preceding slash. I don't think I tried that.


                  The paths appear to be ok, although I'm happy for someone to check them out (can't really post the network settings on the forum!).

                  Could do with some Actinic support here.



                    I had a look around as a logged in customer and couldn't see anything wrong. Can you give me a specific page to look at that doesn't show properly.

                    Your login seems a bit strange. Once I'd logged in I still got the 'login' link except for the home page where there was a logout button but that points to the cart script and tries to logout there, which of course gives an error.


                    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                      Hi Mike,

                      In order to make sure that the javascript and css are available to the brochure pages after a user has logged in, I have had to copy the files to the cgi-bin folder, and also add them to a new cgi-bin/acatalog/ folder.

                      If I delete these duplicate files, the brochure pages lose their style and error because they cannot see the javascript file.

                      My question is, surely this ugly bodge is not the norm and why have I had to do this in order to get the accounts feature working? What's wrong with my a) code b) hosting c) network settings d) nerves *delete as appropriate.

                      nb. I haven't uploaded the log in button code yet, still stuck on the above issue.

