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Problem when viewing cart

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    Problem when viewing cart

    Hi guys,
    im just in the process of working on a new site and debating on whether to upgrade to V7 to take advantage of the free actinic link and improved templates.
    Im using the smart template at the moment, my catalog url is below

    Everything is fine until a product is added to the cart then the design becomes all deformed. Ive tried checking the templates but they dont seem to reflect what is happening at the view cart and checkout pages.

    Can anyone shed some light on why the design suddenly changes ?

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    That is quite wierd.

    Do you have that masthead graphic as a percentage size in the template, or is it set to a pixel size? I have had a similar problem with a non-actinic site in the past. Could be it?


    B&M Design & Advertising Ltd


      on my Act_Primary template it is defined as <IMG SRC="logo1.gif" ALT="Mobile Phone" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=65 WIDTH=407 >


        The 'View Cart' template (in 'Design | Options | Layouts') still seems to be using the overall layout template from the 'Best Seller' theme, rather than the 'Smart' theme.

        Change the 'View Cart Layout' field in 'Design | Options | Layouts' to 'Template for shopping cart and checkout'.


          Just tried that and done a complete site refresh but the problem remains the same.
          Is there any manual way of uploading the smart theme templates ?


            just realised that in the V7 trial copy that i have downloaded there is no Act_PrimaryCart.html file for the smart theme. Is this normal ? If not can somebody email it accross to me at



              Smart does not have an 'Act_PrimaryCart.html' file - it does not need one. Only 'BestSeller' requires this file.

              In the 'View Cart Layout' field, you should have 'Act_PrimaryCheckout.html' which works for both the shopping cart and the checkout.


                I changed it to 'Act_PrimaryCheckout.html' and it is still the same. Did a complete site refresh as well.
                I opened the Act_PrimaryCheckout.html file in Dreamweaver though and it looks fine. It just doesn't seem to be getting uploaded for some reason.




                  Go to 'Advanced | Generate Web Site' in Actinic and then go into 'Site1\SiteHTML' and look at SCTemplate.html. This is the shopping cart page. It will be missing the images, but you should see if the general layout is correct or not.

                  If the page looks wrong we will need to investigate further. If it looks right then the problem is that it hasn't been uploaded. Try a 'Web | Refresh Website'.


                    Its the SCTemplate.html file thats wrong,
                    ive just done the Advanced / Generate and then gone to sites/site1/sitehtml and opened the sctemplate file and it looks like it does on the website ie all messed up.
                    How do i go about fixing this ?


                      Could you do something for me:

                      1) Go to 'Design | Options | Layouts'.

                      2) Locate the 'View Cart Layout' field.

                      3) Click the 'Select' button next to it.

                      4) Click 'Browse...' and change to the 'Site1' folder (in 'Actinic v7\Sites') if you are not already there.

                      5) Locate the file called 'Act_PrimaryCheckout.html' and click 'Open'.

                      6) Click 'OK'.

                      Are you still getting the error? - I just tried it on mine and it is working fine.


                        Its still not changing the view basket page unfortunately


                          I am at a loss.

                          Can you check three more things for me? If these don't yield anything then please send your snapshot to be at communityadmin at and I will take a look myself.

                          Please first check:

                          1) Please delete all files within the 'SiteHTML' folder on your PC and then go to 'Web | Generate Web Site' again. Is SCTemplate.html still generated and still wrong?

                          2) Please go to 'Design | Options | Miscellaneous' and ensure that 'Generate CGI Templates' is selected.

                          3) Please go to 'Design | Options | Layouts' and just select 'Sidebars down both sides' in the 'View Cart Layout' field. This will just use the Act_Primary.html template for the view cart page. Any difference?


                            I have to say a big thank you for your help on this. The problem is now fixed and was down to the fact that the Generate CGI templates button was not selected in 'Design | Options | Miscellaneous'

