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View Basket page access

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    View Basket page access


    Does anyone know if it's possible to direct shoppers straight to the 'View Basket' page when they add a product to their Shopping Cart???

    [By the 'View Basket' page I mean the page reached by clicking the 'NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBCART' link.]

    At the moment they are directed to a page which shows the contents of the basket but gives no options for editing the contents and also gives no option to proceed to the checkout. The 'View Basket' page gives all these options.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Many thanks,

    Hi Shaun,

    Try using a different shopping mode. Go to Design | Options | Shop Defaults and check "Quantity in Shopping Cart"

    This will make the shopping cart appear with all the buttons and quantity box after adding to cart.

    You can change the modes specifically per section under the Layouts tab.

    Hope this helps.

    Toby Blanchard


      Hi Toby,

      Thanks for that. I've now changed the Shopping mode to 'Quantity in Shopping Cart' and the quantity option has been removed from the Product information pages leaving just the 'Add to Cart' button as intended. However, I am now unable to add anything to the cart because clicking this button does nothing at all. Any suggestions for why this might be happening?!??

      If you want to take a look at my test site and try ordering something, you could try from this Product section for example:

      Many thanks again,


        That's odd Shaun,

        Have you been editing your ProductLine templates?

        Go to Design | Options | Layouts and click edit for your Default Product Layout. This will open the template in Notepad or your defined editor. Search for "NETQUOTEVAR:ADDTOCARTBUTTON"

        Do you see the following tags around it?


        If not add them in, save the template and upload to test.

        Any joy?

        Toby Blanchard


          Hi Toby,

          Well, I've checked my product templates and the 'Add to Cart' button is as you said it should be.

          In one section I had to use 'NETQUOTEVAR:VARIANTSELECTOR1' to insert product option choices. Could this have something to do with it? This is the link to that section:

          In this section the 'Add to Cart' button code is this:

          The other sections though (eg do not use this and the 'Add to Cart' code is:

          I have edited the product templates for each section but the code for these buttons is always there.

          Mystery. I fear I may have added something strange into the code somewhere without realising it, or changed a setting somewhere by accident.

          Thanks again,


            Hi Shaun,

            It looks like you have stripped a lot of code from your customised overall layout templates. Please could you make sure you have:


            Within your <head> tags, and:


            within your <body> tag. Could you please also make sure you have:


            Either side of NETQUOTEVAR:BULK

            It may be a good idea to compare your primary templates with the original Act_Primary.html located in /Formats/Themes/BusinessCSS/

            You have also stripped out all the coupon code.

            Let me know if you have any difficulties.

            Toby Blanchard


              Hi Toby,

              Many thanks for all your help - I knew I'd done something stupid by accident. I've now gone through all my primary templates adding in the missing <Actinic:COOKIECHECK/> and NETQUOTEVAR:FORMBEGIN and NETQUOTEVAR:FORMEND parts and it all works beautifully.

              Thanks again,

